[Eternal] I bhFiacha Linne (undefeated @ OMM: Eternal)

HaverOfFun 886

In debt to us?

Chuck on some Kneecap - I bhFiacha Linne and grab those credits!


Agendas: The cops need to be bribed to go over to the runner and runners can't help themselves but pay way too much for realistic NPCs. Devastatingly, master gamers know how to get around our in-app purchases so we either need to give up and move on to screwing over others or send our hi-tech proprietary asset security team.

Assets: A lot of other corporate players in this field have refused to adapt to the newest market innovations and incorporate them into their business models but we are on the bleeding edge of technological progress. Our government contacts allow us to continually refresh people's premium and ad-free entertainment subscriptions, leading to practically limitless value we can extract from customers over any amount of time without needing to install new assets. This dynamic of refreshing our existing advertisements each turn allows our armoured mascot to reach further into the lives of our users and collect their resources fairly trivially, Supporting this new innovation, our broad range of legacy products help to keep our business running smoothly. To ensure that both the music and multimedia desires of our customers are catered to, we have also expanded into the business of producing Sensies.

Operations: As the customers come to us, there isn't much need to engage in active operations however they do still help us solidify our position even when faced with bumps throughout the financial year. Most important is ensuring a Scarcity of Resources to encourage consumer escapism in our products and prevent them from becoming economically self-sufficient. Our Friends in High Places also help us to maintain the status quo in the face of disruption and when coming up against particularly tenacious obstacles Closed Accounts facilitated by our revolutionary tracking systems.

Ice: Similarly, our ICE suite is sparingly applied as even a single countermeasure has the capacity to ruin the economy of intruders into our systems. No one can resist our attractive and content-rich DLCs, our AI-written clickbait articles or paying the fees to gain access to more areas of the net.


On the day Spark won both games I played with it. I played against a reg? Desperado MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock chaining self trashes to dump the Conspiracy Breakers and Steelskin Scarring/Strike Fund into the heap all for it to be recycled with a Levy AR Lab Access, sold with a Bloo Moose or for the single Apocalypse to get recurred by Same Old Thing. The Apoc SOT thing didn't work out in time before I iced up my centrals enough to make it cost too much. The other game was against Liza Talking Thunder: Prominent Legislator which was harder to grind down on econ cause of Mars for Martians being worth 10c. Despite that the econ grind came in clutch when even a Counter Surveillance digging 10 down only saw an NAPD Contract and the single AstroScript Pilot Program being stolen quite late into the game with the Bellona and others being unstealable cause of the credit loss.

The Off Meta Month Eternal event was super fun to play in and has made me keen to run an offline one so the local Naarm/Melbourne meta better watch out! Thanks heaps to Toron for running the event, the stream and for giving me my runner decklist and some tips. This Spark list is all wahvorelocks (idk how to spell it, look up Swiss nats champ) invention that I got to roll out cause I'm chasing an NBN tournament win despite the warning that this is defs a tier 2 deck in eternal so don't you all get too excited with it thinking you'll smash any top runner without any effort. Thanks heaps also to the eternal goat aksu for helping to keep me awake with a kick ass collab playlist we listened to during the event!

15 Dec 2024 wowarlok

Awesome showing Alex!
I have to shoutout SIlent Arbiter who first brought Spark to my attention.
I'm also not sold on the tag punishment package, so I'm interested to see where the archetype goes with some improvements on that front

15 Dec 2024 HaverOfFun

Damnnnn Silent Arbiter delivering banger after banger! Yeah I managed to trash a Bloo Moose on turn 2 before I had the prototype up and running in one of the games and closed accounts hit Liza for like 12 at one point but it didn't feel like the biggest thing the way it was - maybe someone can fix it up to help a little more against Whizzard

15 Dec 2024 AbyssStaresBack

Well played! Neat deck