Vote now or we might lose this to Game of Thrones (srsly?)

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servas 55

For the lazy reader: Fun Deck like back in the days to make all of you click that link and vote for the only game that matters! It´s playable I guess ;-)

Long version: All the goodies in one deck. Play this and destroy everybody. And please vote for Netrunner like in the good ol´ days. Just show the "frowny eurodudes" that our game is the best and always has been:

If all of this sounds like I´m totally crazy you might be right or not. Just vote anyway or contact me to get informed about those old times ;-)

If you know what I´m talking about: Time to get out that badge on BGG!

Also: @alsciende: A small link on the front page just to be a little bit funny like back when things went totally out of control maybe? Please, pretty please ;-) "We" are losing this to GoT in the first round atm, it might be time for heating up a bit if youre still into that kind of thing. What an amazing job you are doing here btw!

8 Jun 2017 hbarsquared

It's 336 to 330 right now, go make your voice heard!

8 Jun 2017 servas

That´s the spirit!

8 Jun 2017 atomic

this deck totally stomped me. i'm definitely bringing this to regionals this summer.

/wearing "I Voted" sticker

8 Jun 2017 servas

You should, just make sure to wear a "F*** MWL and all that"-shirt too :-)

8 Jun 2017 partialcharge

I just made it 390-387, get your ass to this thread!

8 Jun 2017

ANR: 410

AGOT: 403

9 Jun 2017 servas

What a race... Now it´s 448-437... Spread the words... Maybe I should go +1 Medium to dig in there for real Or just go Controlling the Message? Bummers, that´s a corp card...

9 Jun 2017 Treiclon

465 - 447 for Netrunner. Damn, it's close.

10 Jun 2017 servas

just had some fun creating a twitter account and things to prepare for the rounds to come ;-)


10 Jun 2017 servas

Prepared some things for the rounds to come already, let´s win this for the 3rd time ;-) #takesixmeat Scorched Earth

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