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I love Kit. I won't pretend this is a tier 1 championship-winning deck or anything, but I've been working on it for a while and feel pretty good about it. Finally publishing it hoping to get some feedback.
Let's get the name out of the way first... I was talking the deck over with a friend, describing my breaker suite (including Inti) and he asked "so how do you deal with the Blue Sun match? All those big barriers?"
"Well, I tunnel through the walls one turn at a time with my spoon"
And thus it became "Prison Break Kit"
The basic plan is straightforward, get Refractor out early and start applying pressure. Hopefully also either Kati or ProCo out early, then almost every turn looks like:
Obviously you deviate a bit from that as needed, but with Kit's ability working only once per turn, this rhythm maximizes that ability and Kati's econ.
Spooned will melt whatever is on the outside, so if they start triple-ICEing R&D you just drill it back down. SOT becomes a two-click Spooned, or can recur Levy, Employee Strike, or Escher in a pinch.
Employee Strike - There are some really crushing Corp Currents, like Cerebral Static or Housekeeping, so you need some Currents you can play just defensively, to knock those out. I tried Traffic Jam or Net Celebrity, but have found Employee Strike to be worth the influence. It really neuters Blue Sun, IG, CI, and is nice to have against NEH or ETF.
Escher wins games, especially with Kit.
Levy is really just a safety net in case I lose something critical, like my 1xDagger. Would love to have a Clone Chip for that, but Influence. Was on Test Run for a while, but Levy has the benefit of bringing back all my econ, Spoons and SOTs. Could change my mind here.
NetChip used to be Astrolabe+Akamatsu, then it was Maya. The full rig needs 6 MU, with potentially a brief 7MU if I SMC for the last Cloak. Might go back to A+A, but the extra card draw on top of ProCo can actually be too much sometimes.
I go back and forth between ProCo and Symmetrical Visage. I could really use the cheaper/faster setup, but there's just so many times I want to click it twice in a turn, I find myself regretting Visage.
Hades Shard is mostly a counter for 7-point CI, but is a nice threat against any corp that leans too heavily on Jackson.
Utopia Shard is there as a sort of substitute for Plascrete (fire it after SEA-Source or 24/7 or Midseasons, hoping to hit the kill cards) but is occasionally handy against Fast Advance if they're not careful (Biotic Labor, fire Utopia and it hits the Agenda) or other combos.
I go back and forth on Dagger vs Switchblade. It's nice being able to use it with only one stealth credit and one real, but if you have the two stealth for Switchblade it just wrecks the big sentries like Archer. Ultimately what decided it for me was the Influence cost in Kit's already strained 10 Inf. Might change my mind and bring back Switchblade if I have to face too much Gagarin Tour Guide insanity.
Inti is just to turn off Wraparound and get through weak barriers in a pinch. I'm open to replacing it with a better fracter, but can't afford influence or expensive install cost.
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