(Countdown to 2024) [Standard Costume Party] Purple Lokiag

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jan tuno 4086

One of our last countdown decks. These are weird things we tinkered with in QtM but for one reason or another we didn't take to tournaments.

We planned to do an internal Costume Party Standard tournament, but plans ultimately fizzled, so I didn't get to showcase this little thing. Costume Party is a format usually played in startup, where you can play any identity from the history of the game but you have to build as though it was another faction.

AgInfusion + Loki + Trieste immediately jumped at me as something I had to build. The deck's main problem is that it requires that you import lots of influence from purple, to a point where even Spin Doctor sometimes becomes tricky to include. By playing it in HB, we can have lots of copies of our important combo pieces, and still have ice that's very scary to be bounced into like Ansel 1.0 and Tyr. Stegodon is funny.

Didn't get to actually play this but I hope we get a tournament in the end because it looks Fun*! Although probably not as good as yellow Titan.

(the list shows Thule because nrdb is evil and won't let me publish illegal lists. you also should have 2 more influence to play with)

27 Dec 2023 Porkobolo

I really want to try the format, seems like a lot of fun

28 Dec 2023 HaverOfFun

Hell yeah! Sad to hear that u couldn't run it out but looks super exciting either way!

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