Versatality 5.0

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OneFabric 98

and are important for this deck.

Since The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge can have a good amount of Clone Chips, it makes sense to go the Freelance Coding Contract route to make money. While Diesel and Quality Time will help me find the right cards I need, I can Levy AR Lab Access if I ever hit rock bottom. The Sure Gamble is for quick money, Scavenge for reinstalling from heap, and Stimhack for urgent requirement of money.

Among the hardware, Akamatsu Mem Chip and The Toolbox will provide , while Feedback Filter, Plascrete Carapace and Brain Cage are for mitigation.

Same Old Thing in case I thought I didn't need Levy AR Lab Access, or all my Levy AR Lab Accesss were lost through net, brain or meat damage.

The programs are self explanatory: I included all the best breakers from the factions I have, among my current card pool, along with cards like Paintbrush, Incubator and Datasucker.

25 Feb 2016 HolyMackerel

Love to see another Professor player!

Some tips and ideas:

Brain Cage seems really bad for you. You don't benefit from having a large hand size, and the random discard can hurt you bad.

Get a 3rd SmC in there. Your deck is titled Versatility, and I'll be damned if SmC isn't the most versatile program out there.

You really don't need the second Levy. I hardly think you need the first. But I haven't played with freelance, though, so I wouldn't know.

Some program tips, when you get them:

D4v1d melts glacier, especially if you run Scavenge.

Cerberus "Lady" H1 is the best fracter on the market. And you don't have to worry about influence.

Mongoose is amazing. Cheap to use, breaks Assassin like a champ, and is cheap yo install.

25 Feb 2016 DrMarodi

Brain Cage could be usefeul if you use Savoir-faire. Just widening the versatility! I would very much like a to see a rocking Professor deck! (MWL actually helped here)

25 Feb 2016 OneFabric

@pang4 Thanks so much for commenting, pang! Yes, I feel The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge has a lot of potential.

Brain Cage is mostly against decks that reduce my hand size and make me lose that way.

Regarding Self-modifying Code, I thought 2 would be enough because of Djinn and the card draw.

Levy AR Lab Access would be quite important in case I need to reboot.

I love D4v1d! I plan to get one as soon as possible. Same with Cerberus "Lady" H1 and Mongoose.

@DrMarodi I think you're right about Savoir-faire, but perhaps that would lead away from the plan of my deck too much.

Thanks so much for commenting, the both of you! I changed the deck again a bit, if you'd like to check it out:

Good day, OneFabric