Original deck notes:
I am a Weyland Fanboy and yet my guts told me to play this list at the District Champs in Würzburg. The reason is simple i am also a big fan of Regenesis and what better way to win the playmat (that was the whole goal for this tournament) then with a Regenesis Combo Deck. But what i really struggled with the whole time was picking a runner that i enjoy to play. Yes i like Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy but she isnt good ol Whizzard: Master Gamer.
So decided to test around with Esâ a little bit and it felt good. So this is the build i ran with for the tournament.
Also a big part of deckbuilding for me is to associate music to the decks i play. So everytime i play the deck the rhythm is in my head and i am mentaly in the right place to pilot the deck. For this deck there is one song that has to be the core (pun not intended) feeling when u pick up this deck. And as soon as you pop a Running Hot your mind has to be in a constant state of the solo at 1:10minutes and your attitude has to change towards F*** shit up and win!
The Deck Card Choices
Well i guess its no surprise how this deck works. Take constant core damage, sabotage around like Wyld and win the game with a run on archive closing the game for the winning 7points+. At least thats what ppl expect you to do...
Yes you still do that but i dont like to play like ppl expect me to do. Most important lesson in Netrunner is unexpected moves are hard to counter! Thus my deck runs Orca and Lobisomem which can be cheated into play via Spark of Inspiration or Retrieval Run. And all of the sudden you can do more then just running once per turn via Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga.
Things i would change after the tournament:
- Basilar Synthgland 2KVJ yes the are good but i would rather play a second Spark of Inspiration instead
- 3x Mining Accident i think i only played them once and even if its a good card it cycles out so time to adapt. Would run +1 Time Bomb and +2 Katorga Breakout for it.
The Tournament
Round One vs. KingHereAfter with HB Precision Design against my Runner
The Game was quite interesting since nowadays there arent that much HB decks out there without any form of Core Damage. So i knew i couldnt play recklessly with my core damage because of Ontological Dependence . So i had to carefully play around it and just do my sabotage thing without going into overdrive mode every turn. In the end i picked up the win simply because he didnt find any of them before i finished sabotaging him into the ground. Time was on my sidein this match, simple and honest.
Round Two vs. Lutheus with Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
I do love the Mark mechanic and i played Sable quite often the last few weeks. My hope was that she would take as much advantage of her printed recursion abilty and that i can lure her into some traps. After some back and forth stealing / scoring she slipped for one moment and ran heads first into one Fujii Asset Retrieval and Blood in the Water which waited there in my archive. Sadly she had only three cards in hand and thus ended up in a very fashionable black bag. (Or maybe as food for the Mammoths <3)
Round Three vs. KNT_HLZ with HB ASA Grp against my Runner
Another one of those HB Matchups were in anticipated heavy Core Damage output and Onto Agendas. At least thats what i thought since the most recent builds ppl play with Asa are Salvo Testing builds. But he didnt do anything like that! But what most Asa builds have in common are the dependency of Cohort Guidance Program so i trashed him one very early. I also got lucky with some random RnD runs and scored one Ikawah Project. In the end i sabotaged enough the win the game with 6 core damage on me.
Round Four vs. Zaphod75 with Lat: Ethical Freelancer
I confess ive never seen this runner before! Yes i do have him, somewhere in my sorted collection, but damn he is boring as hell. (my oppinion) But Zaphod75 had a really good build but boy what happened in this match will never happen again. Turn 1 and 2 i set up some remotes and he also got his fair share of respect checking all of them. He ended up trashing one Cohort on Turn 1, on turn 2 i installed one Regenesis and discarded one Fuji. Turn 3 i pulled of the combo for the first time on that day scoring four points. I did the same on Turn 5 with a Cohort in play and the game was over after i think like 5-7minutes.
I still feel sorry Zaphod :( <3 but neither of us made any mistakes and the deck did what it was build around :D
Round Five and Six vs. Virulentz with his build for Hoshiko in Round Five and his choice of Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future
Oh Boy, the Game in round five happened to go into overtime. I guess it was 5points stolen from him against 4points scored by me. So i had to make at least one point in my last turn but i didnt manage to do so. Over the course of the match we exchanged "blows" to vital key cards in our decks. I was never close enough to finish him off with damage thus this game was very intense until the last moment.
The Game in round six was also super tight. Ive never played against Azmari so my initial thought was that he wants to fast advance his stuff. But it turned out that he was more of a Body Bag type of deck. :D He scored an early Project Beale for three points, after i stole his Tomorrowʼs Headline on my first or second turn. I wisely removed the short amount of tags i gathered through the game until my last turn. He was at 5points and i was at 5points and than after sabotaging enough cards allready i turned on Overdrive Mode or better known as Running Hot.
I wrecked myself through his remotes, his HQ to find the last two points and accumulated four tags while doing so. In the end i found nothing and died to End of the Line which made me happy. Killed by Weyland doing Weyland things. Fun Fact the top card of RnD was an Operation i couldnt remove, second card was the agenda i needed to win :D
Overall i am super happy with the outcome of the tournament. I made the right choices in all of my games, even the ones i lost. I anticipated the right cards i teched against and i won the Playmat. ^_^
Thanks to everyone in the tournament for making this my first netrunner tournament since 2016 and WE THE COMMUNITY STILL ROCKIN!!!
20 Mar 2025
Very cool list! I've been messing around with an orca/lobi Esa list and having a lot of fun with it! how do you get the MU for all three programs? Are you just only ever installing two?