Off the Blue Sun - Madrid 2016 regional Winner

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batclan_web 445

2016 Madrid Regional Winner - Later I'll post something about this deck

23 Aug 2016 Daigelmir

This deck rocks .. Been testing it in my meta and it did really good ... I'm thinking of including a kill tactics using Zealous Judge and Hard-Hitting News ... Also is there any changes you would consider to your own build?

22 Dec 2016 GameOfDroids

I love the political asset plus Oversight in Blue Sun combo! You can place a Clone Suffrage Movement with an Oversighted Curtain Wall protecting it and use Blue Sun to pick up the ice so the political asset still triggers. That's awesome.

My unsolicited advice: Every deck using Off The Grid should have at least one Excalibur, if not two. Put it on HQ with a Crisium and unless they are on AI, they will be absolutely locked out of the remote for at least a turn.

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