Cray Beezin' Thievery (2nd @ 23 peeps GNK Tourney)

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aero 130

I'll keep this short: I'm attached to Account Siphon, Faust, and New Angeles City Hall in an unhealthy way. This deck is an attempt to make them work together, and I think it's super powerful in the hands of a talented pilot.

I ran a shell like this for awhile, but I was always a bit too slow, what with trying to get Femme out to land a siphon and then follow it up by installing your other two breakers to keep them rolling. Enter: Faust. Everyone and their mom plays Faust, and for good reason. The tempo boost you can have with this deck is great; with an SMC out, a mere five credits and a grip full of cards could very well land you a siphon very early on. Chuftbot won a tourney with a deck like this, and it can get up and running purty durn fast.

This deck works super duper well against SYNC tagging; I was able to NACH through Gutenbergs and avoid News Team tags a lot. I even managed to avoid getting killed by a Blue Sun, which leads me to Snowball. Snowball really isn't that efficient, but as far as influence goes, it was either that, or take a Lady with some scavenges and a Pipeline instead of Mimic (yuck). I'm so glad I had snowball on the day; I was able to steal some moneys from BS and then turn around and kill not one but two OAI'd Curtain Walls. It was costly, but I would not have been able to do it with Lady. Definitely clutch.

Had a ton of fun, changes would definitely be -2 Vamp +1 Siphon +1 Lockpick, as I only vamped once on the day. Probably will mess around with the build in Jes once she's out.

25 Jan 2016 Chuftbot

Congrats on the win! People need to start respecting denial out of green. Pretty stupid how fast you can get set up with this kind of deck, yeah?

I'm actually working on a really similar list out of Jes right now as well. She'll probably be able to utilize Vamp a bit better than CT, and Maya is even more R&D pressure. I don't love the 45 deck size but that's a change I'm willing to make for what she brings to the table.

Regarding Snowball, shhhhhh. Let them forget it exists. Let them forget that Shapers have a fracter that's almost Corroder-levels of efficient for no damn reason.

25 Jan 2016 Chuftbot

*wins. Blah blah no editing allowed blah

25 Jan 2016 aero

Hey man, you made me see the truth! Thanks for your deck. This works so delicious! So good. What are your thoughts on the NACH/FC vs Plascrete? I loved having my combo for the day, but maybe it's not the best idea (although it's ridiculous vs. sync).

25 Jan 2016 aero

Oh, and thanks @notminebydesign for the deck name. Cray beezin.

25 Jan 2016 Chuftbot

I really hate Plascrete as a card, but I've found it's easier to set and forget since it's just one piece. NACH/FC is amazing once you get it going though, and it completely ruins SYNC, Convenience Shop, anything that wants SEA Source, etc. Super strong if you can get it, and I'd imagine this deck can get it.

25 Jan 2016 aero

I loved NACH against Data Raven; no worries about the counters (to a point) if I had enough money. A few times, I even let my NACH trash to steal an agenda if I had another in hand.

26 Jan 2016 gumonshoe

I'd like to say I'm kind of happy I didn't have to face this in the cut. But, it would have been a very interesting game. Couple q's.

Do you get through the deck often enough that the 2nd Levy "happens" a good deal?

3rd Siphon sounds good, but I like the idea of at least 1 vamp for when you've got to get a very rich corp broke. Are there any other 2 inf cards you feel like you're missing?

Its an elegant deck. I'll probablytake it for a spin a few times.

26 Jan 2016 aero

I think you could mess around with Clot, going down to 1x Vamp 2x Siphon, but the build would have to change pretty drastically. Corroder is always an option, but Snowball really held it's spot for me.

Against rush or fastro, I think 1x Levy is just fine, but I've liked having 2x in the past. Certain matchups have cause me to drop lots of cards with Faust, and being able to cycle through a 2nd time is pretty amazing. Once you get set up, drawing with Diesel or Quality Time every turn and running to break with Faust can be pretty typical.

Fun stuff to play against you! Maybe we'll swap in the future and I can lose against you with this deck :)

30 Jan 2016 BobAloVskI

Good call on Snowball over Corroder, @aero! The shaper deck I've been running had the latter but I've since swapped it for the former. I've realised the are not a huge amount of barriers these days. The one game I've played with Snowball where I came up against multiple barriers was Blue Sun: Powering the Future who had Curtain Wall followed by a Meru Mati on HQ. So it ended up saving me money in the end.

It does slow you down a bit more installing it but the Legwork in its place has outright won me games.

30 Jan 2016 aero

It definitely does some hard work, especially against those stacked barriers. If I had two more influence, I'd certainly be trying to fit a Legwork in here, though it might be great to exchange a Vamp for it outright.

31 Jan 2016 Angedelo

Hey, loving the deck. Can I ask why Refractor? I feel like you could save deckspace just slotting Gordian Blade in here. Presumably you're rich with Account Siphon recursion & Magnum Opus so why the stealth?

I'm thinking about cutting 1 Vamp for a Crescentus or two. Thoughts? I fear an Archer or something similar on HQ especially.

Anyway, thanks for posting, I've been looking to get back into Shaper and this is right up my street.

31 Jan 2016 aero

I just played this again yesterday at a tourney and got my butt handed to me by the astro train multiple times. While I was setting up to avoid tags, the corp was scoring agendas. I'm thinking NACH/Film Critic was a good thought, but for this build Plascrete is probably the way to go.

@Angedelo, I like Refractor over Gordian as it's super cheap once you get Lockpicks out. Faust really is the main breaker, and the rest is support. I like being able to spend 0 real credits with 2x Lockpick out on a remote Turing instead of 4 every time with Gordian. Different strokes.

As far as Archer goes, I did face one and it was quite an annoyance. Crescentus would be fine, although you have to watch your mem if you've got your full rig. Personally, I'm thinking about swapping Mimic for a Femme. Same cost for breaking through swordsman (although you almost would always want a modded to get it out), and the bypass ability would be absolutely great. I encountered a single Vikram on the day too and it messed with me, forcing me to spend 5 cards per run on it.

I think @Chuftbot ran it perfect with 3x Account Siphon; you should have enough speed with SOT/LARLA to Siphon a ton, and with plascretes you can go tag-me. Even if the corp Closed Accounts you, you've got MO and they'll probably stay near 0 creds for a long time. Definitely going to go back to 0 Vamp 3x Siphon for now.

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