I'm Confiscating This...This Too v1.0

BobAloVskI 334

This deck is based off d23's Thug Life Leela deck. I have kept the same programs but please read on for the changes.

-1 Lawyer Up, -1 Inside Job, +2 Fisk Investment Seminar. While these two cards are good, I found they were too situational. Fisk Investment Seminar gets cards for you and puts cards in the Corp's HQ which is where you want them.

-1 Unregistered S&W '35, -1 The Maker's Eye, +2 Film Critic. The gun was, once again, too situational for me and while TME is great, I wanted two Film Critics and so I had to cut one (I added a third Same Old Thing for an extra TME to compensate).

-1 Utopia Shard, +1 Hades Shard. The idea of this is that the Corp should get agenda flooded. When they Jackson to cycle agendas, pop this before they can reclaim them. Hacktivist also adds to this problem for the Corp.

-2 Muertos Gang Member, +1 Same Old Thing, +1 Gang Sign. I just can't seem to play Gang Member as well as other people talk about it so it went. The SoT is for an extra TME or Siphon whichever you need. The Gang Sign is so you get that early "I don't want to score my agendas" mentality for the Corp.

Your basic plan is this: Setup with Gang Signs and HQ Interfaces so you can see the Corp's HQ if they score. The longer the game goes, the better it is for you as those agendas are going to end up in either HQ or Archives. If they rush out agendas, use your Leela powers to get free accesses into the centrals. Preferably with Siphons.

The cards you want to see in your opening hand are a combination of Symmetrial Visage, Gang Sign, Film Critic, Hacktivist Meeting, Account Siphon and Fisk Investment Seminar. They all slow the Corp down and/or accelerate your game. Any three of them should be a keep. They are all cheap so you can play all three first turn if needed. Breakers are not as essential. You will get them eventually but the main priority is to slow the Corp down.

I cannot stress how great Film Critic is. It turns off Midseasons; NAPD, The Future Perfect and Fetal AI no longer can protect themselves; when accessed agendas (against Haarpsichord's tricks and Fetal AI) do not fire if it is your turn. It just blanks out so many agendas to stop the Corp's plans. It is true that it anti-synergies with Leela's ability but that is where you need to work out when to use it or not use it. If you feel you it will cost you too much tempo or your face, just put it on Film Critic.

Thanks for reading! All feedback is welcomed...

18 Aug 2015 Elusive

Looks nice and agressive. Will try it out. However: doesn't the corp get to rez and use jackson before you have the time to hades shard on his turn? You need it in hand on your turn to do the surprise-access.

18 Aug 2015 BobAloVskI

@Elusive That's correct. I should have been more clear. One their turn they over-draw and discard their agendas. On your turn, you play Hades from hand and you get to use it before they can use Jackson. Easy agenda points.