Information Management 2nd (2-1) @GNK Montreal 2025-01-07

Diogene 4527

This deck is a LOT of fun, especially if you like identities like Ob Superheavy, Arissana, or cards like Prognostic Q-Loop and Simulchip.

Game plan : control what is in R&D and quickly score out.

Mulligan plan : Federal Fundraising, Open Forum or ices in the opening hand. Maximum one agenda in hand.

The deck went 2-1 at the GNK at L'Expedition on 2025-01-07, which got me second place at the event.

  1. Win vs Jon on Lat: Ethical Freelancer. An early trash of some of my assets (or the trashing of a SanSan City Grid, my memory is fuzzy) put the runner on very low credits. From there, the runner had trouble setting up while also controlling the board. My economy came in and I was able to control the game.

  2. Loss vs Andrej on Lat: Ethical Freelancer (same that was played on stream). The runner had basically infinite economy and I got flooded early. For at least 4 turns, I had either 4 or 5 agendas in hand. In previous practices, this deck recovers well from Miss Bones. But Paricia + Coalescence/Aesop’s Pawnshop/Simulchip meant that anything put on the board could be trashed fairly easily. This forced me to use SanSan City Grid to score Stoke the Embers early, putting me back quite a bit. But I knew I had almost no game against Andrej, because Andrej's deck was very good at controlling and because he helped me built this corp, by commenting in our local chat. Still, I got to 4 points, but even if I had not been flooded, I do not think I had a chance vs Andrej's deck. It was fun to see a runner doing information namagements, since Prognostic Q-Loop was played.

  3. Win vs Nick on Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist. I was able to control the top of R&D and the board for the whole game, as the runner did not have (or did not draw) any tool to deal with asset spam. I was able to score a Project Beale for 3 points, putting be at 5 points, which allowed me the victory,. Also, after as self core damage, Begemot got sniped from the runner, while Laamb was on the board, which slowed the runner a bit.

Of note, the deck is entirely reliant on Stoke the Embers and The Holo Man for its main tricks. But it help that SanSan City Grid can score 7 out of 9 agendas, using Epiphany Analytica: Nations Undivided ability.

I agree with Andrej assessment that some runner will force the corp to have almost no game. Those things will happen. But otherwise, every interactoni offer meaningful choice, as trashing or stealing anything will trigger the ID, setting us up for success.

Restore act as a 4th The Holo Man, since you can install it from archive, thus respecting the clause of not installing from HQ.

Open Forum allows us to put back an agenda that need to be scored, so that we may use our ability to install it with our ID. It also interact with Balanced Coverage, if you do not have a Federal Fundraising on the board.

Here are the changes that I would make for this deck : -1 Ping, +1 Endless EULA. Making the runner spend 6 credits impact the runner ability to control the board. Otherwise, it can protect something on the board.

Big thanks to Odonuvo for organizing the event, we were 12 players and it was a blast!


16 Jan 2025 napalm900

Thanks for posting Diogene, I've been enjoying Epiphany a lot lately and I can't believe I've missed Open Forum this whole time, it's crazy that it's even a card! Perfect for those Stokes you don't want in hand. Managing your start of turn draw must be an absolute joy haha

16 Jan 2025 Diogene

Glad you like it! Open Forum is a beast in this deck. It is a consideration to have 2x of it. Note that Restore is also fantastic that can push forward the deck by a lot. I'm testing a different iteration of Epiphany Analytica: Nations Undivided. But so far, this ID is one of the most fun in the meta (if not the most competitive). Cheers!