SeaThee: Thecision Thesign

pouchsurfer 335

I was excited about Thule Subsea when it was spoiled. Giving HB a non-efficiency-based ID with a spooky underwater art and creepy lore? chefkiss. But I have begun to feel more and more lukewarm about it.

I'm sure out there somewhere there's a decent Sportsmetal-like list that leverages small agendas, fake points, Djupstad Grid, and the payoff from the runner getting core damage. That's not what I'm trying here. I wanted to find a different list built around click-taxing that would force the runner into making rushed decisions and taking core damage in the process.

My first attempt was a glacier build with big ice, traps!TM, 5/3 agendas alongside Ontological Dependence, and ways to tax the runner's clicks to hopefully deal core damage (either through agenda steals or Mr. Hendrik). It was bad: slow and inefficient, giving the runner plenty of time to find the weak agendas without taking damage, and triggering our ability twice a game at most. What was I thinking?

This new attempt is much rushier and much closer to Precision Design. It has a more solid economy plan, with Tranquility Home Grid fueling our jams and Offworld Office for tempo scores. It still plays around with click taxing to set the runner back, hoping to force them to take risks at times when they can't afford to. I don't think it's good, but I want to keep track of it.

Scoring "plan"

We want to go fast and build a single remote. We want to jam Rashida or tempo-positive agendas we can score or launch the following turn. If neither is available, we drop MCA and start taking clicks away. If MCA is left unaddressed, we can score a 4/2 from hand; if the runner trashes it (which is likely considering the prevalence of Pinhole Threading), we have Riot Suppression combined with a scoring threat to force the runner into an uncomfortable fork.


Echo and Border Control are good early for our remote. Wave is decent enough on centrals. Bloop is a mean face-ceck, but somewhat predictable. We want to pop Border and rez Pulse when taxing clicks matter, e.g. when Skunkworks or the Hendriks are sitting in the remote. Formicary, for double Skunks, felt cute, might delete later.

Play around with this and see if you like it. I still don't know if I do.

17 Dec 2022 dnddmdb

Love it! I made a similar deck with HHN and Hypoxia. MCA seems like a great idea, too.

19 Dec 2022 Neemo

How have the harmonics been working out for you? From what I've seen and personal feeling, I'm not sure if it's the best choice vs running some of the 'standard' ice?

21 Dec 2022 pouchsurfer

@dnddmdb I'm curious about your HHN+Hypoxia list, how is it working?

@Nemorov The harmonics are definitely finicky. But Bloop is strong, Echo is cheap (and good against boat after rezzing a few other harmonics), and Pulse is great to steal crucial clicks. Still not sure they're better than your Drafters, Hagens, and Gatekeepers, but they're a fun puzzle to sequence.