Rezzable for 0, trashable for 3 - good ratio, and sets back a good amount anybody using Same Old Things, Clone Chips or Déjà Vu. Which basically means... anyone. No more Account Siphon every turn, no more insta-Parasites and Shapers can forget about their programs you have trashed earlier. Levy AR Lab Access does nothing at all (except drawing the Runner five cards, but that's not what this card's role is). Exile and MaxX can already concede once this hits the table - that is, if the server is secure enough, or maybe not secure, but you catch them off-guard and without resources to spare.

One influence a piece. Worth adding to any deck to spice things up a bit given you have one influence to spare. Be careful not to shoot yourself in the foot if you find yourself running Chronos Project.

Hard-counters conspiracy breakers, Steve Cambridge, and Bloo Moose! —

Goatee, glasses, these awesome fingerless gloves, cool style. Rarely seen played. No review. Why? No idea, because this guy is the Criminal equivalent of Noise!

Not precisely, though, as executing his ID ability properly is a lot trickier than just throwing five hundred viruses on board. There are a few differences. Cards go to HQ, not Archives. This, as everything in this game except Jackoff Coward, has both its downsides and upsides:

(+) Under proper conditions and with some early pressure on economy, paired with Fisk Investment Seminar, the trademark move of our man, you are indeed able to flood the HQ with cards Corporate cannot play, which is sometimes enough to throw him off and get him to start panicking, not playing reasonably, and if you are really lucky, some agendas will fall to the Archives, where you can easily snatch them - very Noise-like!

(+) Psychological pressure is one of the biggest upsides of playing as this guy. If you manage to ruin Corp's economy early and then flood him, he will have not one, but two pressing problems he would have to solve at the same time. Laramy's own ability makes it easier to keep this pressure high. And if the Corp has his hand full most of the time, you might as well install Vigil and get some draw out yourself!

(+) Your ability, instead of being virus-related, is linked to what Criminals do best: run like hell, attack the central servers. This promotes aggressive playstyle, a trademark of Criminal Runners.

(-) The same ability is restricted to activating once per turn. No spamming, which you could do with Noise, which is what makes the overall milling ability not particulary huge, up to one every turn. But look at it this way - if you could spam card draw for Corps by merely running Archives, every single one would get absolutely hammered. And we have enough cards around that ruin the game for everyone by being plain unbalanced.

(-) If you don't like your early loot from attacking unprotected R&D, you can't get it out of the way as Noise would do installing a Virus - forcing the Corp to draw has to happen on your first succesful central run each turn.

(-) If you don't do your thing right, for example when HQ is not full and you are not about to Legwork it anyways, you are going to help the Corp instead of hindering him. Laramy had a cool flavor text which didn't make it to the final version of the card: "Timing is everything". In this instance, it couldn't have been more true. Timing is everything when forcing the Corp to draw cards.

I made the earlier comparison to Noise not by an accident. Let me explain. Corp draws one card each turn. With Laramy, he might draw two. That would mean he'd had to spend two clicks at least playing cards from his hand to neutralize the cards flowing in, and three - his whole turn - to reduce the total number of cards in HQ by one. If you play aggresively and make him run out of cash (either Siphons or just trashing assets that would give him money, or forcing him to rez vital ICE), he begins to throw lots of stuff into his Archives. The goal is to make that happen, just like with early Noise. Make lots of stuff go to Archives - focus on trashing economy assets. Basically, play like an Anarch would. And don't forget to bring along a Hades Shard!

Laramy's ability is unique and interesting, but I think he is still in need for something. Something that would shoot him towards the sky. Do not dismiss him yet - since timing is everything, he is just waiting for the best possible moment to strike and turn the meta upside down!

EDIT: After a thorough research, I'd like to add this - Fisk Investment Seminar is still your main HQ overdrive tool, as it is very hard to accomplish it by ID alone. Though it is worth mentioning that with Larry's ability used frequently, FIS nearly always seems to do its job just right. Funny.

Throwing in one Apocalypse was about as good as I thought it'd be - which is freaking awesome. If you are sure that the situation will 100% let you execute it, try this ultimate dick move: make them draw and play even more and more and more assets, then just go all-in and apoc. This is what Laramy should do - pretend to help the Corp, then in the most appropriate moment take it all away! Of course, once everything is gone, stop allowing them to draw more cards. Why would you?

EDIT: There's this big card out in Escalation, Find the Truth. If you can afford the influence cost (which you probably can't), this feels like a natural way to amplify your ID ability. Not that it does make this ID viable by any means, but...

I think the issue is that his strategy depends on both wrecking Corp econ and flooding out his hand. A gear-checker and a Crisium Grid over HQ slow him down. Plus, horizontal Asset Spam decks rather enjoy being Fisk'd, at least mine does. Councilman/Plop will help there I think - but the general idea of 'break then Fisk' can be easily imported to other Runners with a better built in advantage that doesn't go all-in on one strategy. —
Perhaps you are right. LF might be considered a high risk, high reward ID solely because of this dedication to one gimmick, that also requires a secondary gimmick to work. But if you manage to stick both econ crash and HQ flood, the match is pretty much won. As per Asset Spam, I suppose the same would be true for every archetype that just installs a lot of things and likes to have a lot of cards. It's a great tactics against a common glacier though. —
Also, splashing a single Apocalypse while simultaneously letting the Corp spam assets might yield some crazy results. Fisk giveth, fisk taketh... —
It seems like one problem is that you don't really know if his ability is good or bad. You never really get to see unless your opponent tells you. —
Well said. —

Hey! You're Anarch? Good!

Afraid your wages at StarDonald or MegaBuy won't be able to support your hobby? Good! I mean, not really, but stay with me.

If you can find what you need on a street market, why not just get high, and I mean REALLY high, the kind of high that leaves you braindead next morning, THEN go shopping while you're high?

You could wake up the next day and be like, whoa, where did all this stuff come from? And where are my pain pills?

Not a fan of grocery shopping? S'okay, man, me too. But I've got a perfect solution! Get high, turn on your favourite compiler, watch the static and repeat this short catchphrase: Christ, what an imagination I've got!

Or you could do as our homie Shieldwall said - you know when it's the best time to finish your science projects or writing these overdue essays? You know it, boie - when you are high! Smoke'em if you got'em, then go to work! What can possibly go wrong?

One more thing! Remember these stories everybody tells about a guy who swallowed some amphetamines and was found painting the fence at 3 AM? Since you're already bursting with energy, why not do some cleaning up in your basement? You could always find some long-missing backups!

Multitasking is the rage, so why not do all of them at the same time? It's nine creds for just a little headache, come on, get yourself a console, get some sweet breakers, and the most important thing of all, get psyched!

(tl;dr - use credits from Stimhack to install stuff from Street Peddler, Clone Chip or fire Self-modifying Code mid-run, to get exactly what you need and set up your rig in all these situations when your economy does not satisfy your pressing needs.)

I feel like using Public Sympathy to compensate for the resulting brain damage is basically profiteering off public goodwill... —
When you are this high, you can finally try to finish those old projects you have in your Personal Workshop. I mean, what can go wrong? —
@Shieldwall: Absolutely nothing! I do all my projects when I'm high. As a matter of fact, this is how this review was conceived. // @LordRandomness Oh come on, let's face it: everybody likes a stoner, because everybody does it! —
Okay, true :v. Oh, also you can supercharge your Study Guide in one go with this and it'll even help you break into the server you're running on (hell, I assumed this was what you linked with the essay thing!) —
Aha! Post-cannabical random unintended insight struck again! Good point on the Study Guide. —

This is not a card comfortable to use. The two most appropriate ways to do so is either to keep it triple-advanced and seemingly forgotten on the table (posing as some failed trap, but in order to make the bluff work you'd need to import and use some of actual Jinteki/Haas traps in your deck... or some Mushin No Shin)? - until the time is right and risk being stolen by a particularily curious Runner... But then, you can somehow mitigate the risk by running it in an Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed deck, to tax the Runner messing with your crap...

...or splash 24/7 News Cycle, score early, fire when required, paying with some Hostile Takeovers. This should work as well.

Despite its lack of comfort, I love this card. But I've been known for having a less-than-healthy crush on Molly Millions, so...

card allows à great - in the pre-film critic world - with midseasons : —
install - advance - advance. —
install - advance - advance. next turn: if stolen: midseason, double scorch. If not stolen: advance and score, double scorch. —
Got a win at a recent store championship with this. Mushin, if they don't run just let it sit. Eventually scorches show up. Score and fire as many time as needed. One of the few kills that'll can get a rich runner on 5 cards and a plascrete. —

One more thing I'd like to highlight, as the most of it was already told by everybody that came before me - it is a very viable counter to everybody playing Midseason Replacements as it removes up to helluva lot tags, which is, coincidentally, exactly how many tags you are going to get versus your average Corpie tagstormer. It can absolutely ruin their day, which is what every runner ever should feel obliged to do, to bury the very idea of playing and winning with cheap tricks. There, I said it. You cheapskates, you.

EDIT: I have just realized that this ability can only be launched in response to damage, not to mitigate a hoard of tags all by itself. So unless you have a way to provoke damage you can prevent, you still get PsychoBeale'd. The only thing coming to mind now is Tri-maf Contact, but how do you trash it on demand? Or, perhaps, use a Street Peddler to quickly drop Titanium Ribs or Net-Ready Eyes? This seems like not much of a price to ruin somebody's game - especially if that person is a tagstormie!

In case you guys wondered:

Is it clear that an ability that leads *“prevent X”* can *only* be used in response to *X*? I’d have thought that you can pay the cost whenever you like, and if you're not currently about to receive any damage, you still get the benefit of the rest of the ability. —
I'm afraid yes. See here: —