Red Queen of the IRS
Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter (NOTE: Reina Roja in Spanish it means the "Red Queen") reigns supreme as the most directly corp-taxing ID currently available. As an Anarch she has quite a few tools at her disposal (perhaps with some help from the criminals) to mess with the corps servers and credit pool. Let's take a look!
Tax by using corp's ice with Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter's ability adding 1 to an ice-rez each turn, with a strategy to bankrupt the corp, the cost of each rez-ing ice in itself is a combo that bears note
Tag-Me Tax: Account Siphon (borrowed from Criminals) combos are commonly included in many Anarch decks because it helps in two important ways: 1 it taxes the corp up to 5 each time it is used, secondly it can provide significant economy to the runner which is often an Anarch weakness anyway. Such synergy often comes at a price, in this case it comes in the form of tags. Putting pressure on the runner to pursue a tag-me strategy, where the gamble is to keep the corp poor so as to minimize whatever damage the tags can cause. One option to turn that tag into a benefit is to Data Leak Reversal where a poor corp may feel the pressure to trash Data Leak Reversal rather than pursue other options with such limited & resources.
Lamprey tax: make those runs on HQ punish the corp even more
Chess Tax: What's better than a 1 tax? Even more! With 3 copies of Rook installed on a server in combo with Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter can potentially tax the corp 7 extra in a single run on top of the stated rez cost for each of the 3 pieces of ice. One strategy is to run on remotes encouraging the corp to rez such ice at a greater cost bankrupting the corp, then having free reign in the central servers protected by un-rezzed ice pumping up Medium Datasucker Nerve Agent, and/or using Keyhole & Imp etc etc.
Vamp tax: Having an ice-breaker suite that can reliably get through HQ in combo with Vamp provides yet more opportunities for the runner to keep the corps economy at or near 0
Additional Taxing via rezzing: Additionally there are many other cards that give the runner the opportunity to provide taxing opportunities to the corp at will: Forged Activation Orders, Running Interference, Cortez Chip Xanadu, Blackguard Muertos Gang Member Bribery Forged Activation Orders
Taxing by trashing/de-rezzing ice: similarly once the corp has invested in a piece of ice it hurts tempo & economy to subsequently loose that investment through trashing or de-rezing. The following are examples of cards that offer such an opportunity: Parasite, Emergency Shutdown, Immolation Script, Crescentus etc
Other noteworthy misc tax: The following could provide some important synergy to a Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter deck: Wireless Net Pavilion, Hacktivist Meeting, False Echo
Tax assisted by ice-breakers A number of the combos above depend on the runner being able to get through ice when the corp is able to rez it (albeit at a higher price), for this reason AI ice-breakers like Eater for example, making a successful run can sometimes be more important (for virus pumping or enabling taxing combos) than accessing cards. (Note: many other AI icebreakers can potentially be useful too like Knight, Crypsis, Overmind etc)
Recursion assisted tax: many of the combos above can have even more life when assisted by recursion events such as Déjà Vu or Same Old Thing etc
(Did I miss something obvious, I'd appreciate suggestions in the comments below, I may add it to this review)
Can potentially allow runner to tax corp from turn 1 and each turn for the rest of the game throwing off the corp off financially potentially giving Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter free reign through servers
Many corp taxing combos available including
Anarch virus suite available that can potentially swing momentum towards runner
+1 also taxes corp during each trace
Focusing on taxing the corp can possible incur tags which in turn open the runner up to a host of trouble chiefly Closed Accounts, Scorched Earth & Psychographics etc.
Unlike some ID's which concur a clear economic edge, adding to corp rez-cost doesn't necessarily add anything to the runner's bottom line. As an Anarch Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter has a bit more of a challenge putting an economy together.
I like Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter, putting her in a deck that taxes the corp mercilessly can certainly be fun, but with fun there is always risk! See Anatomy of Anarchy for a really nice write-up on how to build a heavy-corp tax deck that has seen success.
--It just saddens me when I see cards with no reviews. If you appreciated this review, please give a heart and I'll be encouraged to write more.