Behold!, a double-tagging ambush. (The “yellow Snare!”? The “mellow Ganked!”?)

For example:

  • If you ambush them running-first-click, and they immediately & manually detag, then you've paid [$4][click]) and they've lost [click][click]+[$4].
  • If you ambush them running-last-click, then you have 2 tags to check/spend.

Mindscaping, aka. “Jinteki-Level Clearance”, aka. “Low-Profile Target”.

For example, if the Runner floated a pair of tags (such as from Phoneutria and Snare!, or from their own Eru Ayase-Pessoa and Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra), Mindscaping will Do 2 net damage. However, even if they've floated infinite tags (such as for Counter Surveillance), you'll still need two Mindscaping to flatline them (Do 3 net damage. Do 2 net damage.).

Otherwise, Mindscaping can simply net +$2 and “+0c” (nb. most cards net -1 card when played), with some selection and manipulation. For example, you can en-Snare! R&D. Or you can just top an agenda from HQ (if R&D is better protected, or if you have a shuffling effect, or so on). You can top an (untrashable) ice to shield against R&D breaches (or to slow down multiaccess, milling, and so on).

Design: I love the loosening and spreading out of tag-punishment. Mindscaping is tag-scaling (punishing “float two” more than “float one”), but proportionate (1 damage-per-tag) and upper-bounded (to 3 tags). Mindscaping:

  • is tag-scaling (punishing “float two” more than “float one”), but proportionate (1 damage-per-tag) and upper-bounded (to 3 tags).
  • has a “hedge mode” (an unconditional, but small, effect) and “hate mode” (a large, but conditional, effect).

I also like Jinteki's heritage/sermon effects (ie. Draw X cards. Add 1 card from HQ to the top of R&D.), both the decision making (“What should I put back?”) and the mind games (“What will the Runner think I put back?”).

With Mindscaping, a Jinteki Corp can punish a tagged Runner without splashing (End of the Line, et cetera); cf. Hypoxia.



Flavor: The more Jinteki knows about you, more they can “landscape” your mind, into a flatlineable neuro-topiary (like Caprice Nisei with her bonsai tree).

Greasing the Palm is a credit-positive “detag-kickable” installer–advancer.

For example, without losing any credits, you can:

  • fast-advance a 3/2 (or 3/1), if the Runner is tagged (and you're not bankrupt).
  • install the 3rd piece of ice (at the same server).


Design: I love these new generic/economy cards with tag-punishment bonuses (like GtP) or modes (like Mindscaping).

Wage Workers, the “new Jeeves” (and the first official card that's both bioroid and clone).


  • Wage Workers is “actions taken”–based, while Jeeves Model Bioroids were “clicks spent”–based”. Thus, doing a purge, playing a triple (or a double then a “single”), using a [click][click][click]: … ability (and so on), WON'T trigger it. (However, you can still triple-use (the same copy of) a Regolith Mining License or Cold Site Server.)

  • Wage Workers is once-per-action-type bounded, while Jeeves Model Bioroids were once-per-turn bounded. Thus, playing three (click-neutral/click-positive) operations and then (basic-)advancing three times, WILL trigger it twice.

Also note that Wage Workers can't cheat terminal’s (same as how Jeeves Model Bioroids couldn't), because gaining a click doesn't restart your action phase.

Operational synergies:

Also note that you can just manually quadruple-advance a pre-installed/never-advanced 4/2, or so on.

Flavor: In Brazil, Bioroids (and Clones) aren't owned by Haas (or Jinteki), but the former must still work for the latter.

So what you are saying is 3x Biotic labor = 7 clicks - install Project Beal, 6 clicks left - advance 3 times, 4 clicks left, advance 4 times - score 4 points for 19 credits. Easy

Your Digital Life is an “HQ-size matters” earner.

For example, when you you have 6 cards in hand (nb. when YDL was your 7th!), it nets +$4 (like Sure Gamble, from $2 to $6.

Note that you'll want enough clicks to both (A) draw a lot of cards (such beyond the default maximum) to gain a lot of credits, then (B) play a lot of those cards (before discarding to hand size). In particular, when you have a lot of operations in hand you want to play, or a lot of ice you want to install deeply, it gives you the credits you need to play/install them.


nb. In NBN: Reality Plus taggers (like Virtual Service Agent and Ping) are clickless/post-discard multi-drawers too. Same with (some) installation in Near-Earth Hub.


  • Sweeps Week, the “player-complement”.
  • Celebrity Gift, which earns twice as much (extremely powerful), though it maxes out at 5 as well as “spending” the cards facedownedness (but not the cards themselves).
  • Reuse, which “spends” HQ (and doesn't just count HQ).


  • IQ, another “HQ-size matters” card (though in Haas-Bioroid, the Corp faction with the most Your maximum hand size is increased by 1. effects).