Kit Ice Destruction [O&C]

Spaceman_Spiff 983

Recurring Spooned a bunch of times to hopefully just destroy a bunch of ice. Throw in Kraken for some more fun

29 Nov 2014 x3r0h0ur

Damn it! I just drafted this exact same thing earlier. I thought to use paintbrush...torch, tinkering and collective consciousness though...but I did run kraken

This seriously seems very scary to me.

29 Nov 2014 Spaceman_Spiff

Yeah, I think it might be surprisingly good. It definitely seems like fun. I debated among several different decoders. I went with Gordian just because you can get it out early for cheap-ish without any setup, and it's obviously still pretty efficient.

Paintbrush and/or tinkering could almost certainly have a place here, especially if you want win the game, and not just try to destroy one ice every turn :P

1 Dec 2014 JamesG

This decks looks amazing. I'd just add 1 levy because levy is always good and cut either 1 kraken or a sot. Also feedback flter against Jinteki might be good

23 Jan 2015 sruman

Given 3 same old things, I'd cut a Levy and add a Deus X for the Jinteki:PE matchup. Also 3 quality time with pro-co seems a bit extreme (Although 2 levies I guess you don't mind trashing past-5), diesels maybe? On the topic of pro-co, isn't pro-co and Magnum sort of anti-synergy. Why not drop the 2 magnum, reducing the memory needs so that 2 akamatsu would be enough and go 3 pro-co and 2 kati? Plus if you going to reduce ice on R&D until it's ridiculously cheap to run with a stealth-suite, maybe 2 RDI and 1 maker's just so you can run every (other) turn consistently for multi-access?