The Notorious Wünderfunk Combo (1st Place Burnley 2016)

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nixxus 92

I should preface this by saying Burnley was a tiny store championship of 12 players, leading to 4 rounds of swiss and no cut.

Went 3-1 at Burnley 2016 Store Championship, having dropped my first game due to not counting my credits , losing 3 of the combos' clicks to credits and installing DDoS.

Rather than do a poor job at writing up this deck, check Hilreeee's original Wünderfuck Combo

However the removal of 2x Employee Strike and 1x Clone Chip to tailor the deck to the MWL left me with 3 empty card slots. I switched these for Notoriety, lessening the burden on keyhole to find all 7 points. This secured the final game by allowing me to pop Hades Shard with only 4 points in archives, avoiding a Jackson my opponent had in play.

21 Feb 2016 gumed85

Also known as Hypershitfucker. Good job on the win!

21 Feb 2016 Pilltechre

Well done on the win. Really enjoyed our games, despite getting smashed by both this monster and your Biotech in our second round games!

22 Feb 2016 shanodin

Is the Hades Shard more important than a 3rd Clone Chip would be?

22 Feb 2016 nixxus

@shanodin Thehades shard allows you to pop early and dodge Jackson's, or with 7 credits, instantly steal agendas in archives. With an extra chip you can chip 1 more smc to find combo pieces faster, or get through 1 more ice layer with echo. I'd honestly say it's personal preference, but I prefer the Hades

22 Feb 2016 nixxus

@Pilltechre Cheers dude, sorry for the late reply. Hopefully i'll see you at some more local Store champs and maybe even a regionals. we have a SC over in Preston on the 12th, looks to be a big one too

3 Mar 2016 wily-odysseus

Does not having Employee Strike make Haarpsichord too bad of a match-up? How much do you really use the Eater? If it's infrequent enough, do you think Crypsis could be a 0-influence substitute?

14 Mar 2016 nixxus

@wily-odysseus The Haarp matchup is pretty bad with this variation, you could cut 1 clone chip for 1, or a DDOS for 2 and a clone chip (instead of notoriety). Eater is your backup plan if you don't keyhole enough agendas, or if they have executive boot camp, i wouldn't reccomend a crypsis.

25 Mar 2016 hilreeee

Cool!!! Glad it worked well for you! Post MWL I removed 1 clone chip, the hades shard, and 1 employee strike and added in more economy and card draw. It went near undefeated at my store championship... unfortunately my corp deck did not fare so well.

27 Mar 2016 nixxus

@hilreeee It was great fun! Thanks for publishing the idea. Honestly looking at it now, your variation posted above is probably better than this, my variation has no true answer to haarp, though give Notoriety a try. i found in testing that as soon as i was discovered a jackson would be popped at the winning amount of points in archives. Being able to hades early and get the last 1-3 points from another source worked wonders to surprise people.

27 Mar 2016 hilreeee

My meta is pretty Haarpsichord heavy so yeah, having one employee strike is a must include for me. The Notoriety sounds cool, though! I will definitely need to give that a try.

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