A Deal with the Data 1.0

Irrio 27

/Summary/ A deck designed around the strengths of Adam's directives, specifically his incredible draw potential. The directives, and the usage of Independent Thinking are the key to playing this runner effectively. They add quite a bit of complexity to gauging scoring windows. Thinking the right directive at the right time can drastically change the game state, but hitting the wrong ones too early or too late can leave you scrambling to catch up with the corp. Every game with Adam is going to play differently than the last, he is easily one of the harder runners to pilot.

/Directives/ In my opinion all of the directives are great, albeit they are strong at different points in the game.

Safety First becomes an amazing draw engine once you get his hand size back up to five. Enter Public Sympathy (easily the worst card art in the game), at face value it seems terrible, but for 2 it might as well say "draw a card at the end of every turn, oh and, hey, you can Think it later." Plus extra are Faust fodder.

Always Be Running is the most restrictive early, and it can cause some problems, but lets be honest, it's good advice. Desperado, Dirty Laundry, and Datasucker all synergize with this, but they are also just great cards on their own. The "Bioroid" is great for early accesses, and the corp is forced to play around it. It will also save your life when you face-tank something nasty, but hey, you're forcing the corp to rez the ice, that can be worth 2 clicks in some situations. ABR is also useful late game where that one access could mean everything. It's weaker mid game, and it is one of the first to be Thought.

Neutralize All Threats has the biggest drawbacks, hitting a Marked Accounts off HQ turn one will really bum you out. But lets be honest, access win games. This is the hardest directive to accurately Think. It'a good throughout the game, but HQ access are inconsistent. Depending on the corp, depending on how they are playing, they may or may not be holding agendas. Guess right, you might win, guess wrong and you are giving the corp time to win. As for it's downside, Scrubber is a potential mitigator, but I've found it to be a waste of a deck slot, especially since Faust doesn't need credits to work.

/Breakers/ With Adam's potential for drawing cards, Faust just seems to be the best choice, not to mention, it's just a cool card. John Masanori, Datasucker, and our Safety First draw engine makes Faust sustainable without clicks. Plus if in dire need, Independent Thinking can get you 10 cards for a single / and that will get you into any server. Mimic is there to deal with annoying sentries, Corroder for good ole Wraparound, and Yog.0 is there as support for efficient runs. Don'y forget ABR is also an auxiliary icebreaker, I once won a game by clicking through a susanoo after milling through my deck with Faust.

/Econ and Resources/ Should be self explanatory. Career fair is amazing, and can help you get back on your feet if you lost money to Neutralize All Threats. That's also the reason for Armitage, to bump you back into Gamble range, plus you can leave some cash on it and Think it.

Since cards in hand are one of the main resources of this deck, card draw is a form of currency. With Faust it also means that, to some degree, whats in your deck almost doesn't matter. A fact which makes Adam's limited card pool easier to deal with, I mean, there are only so many good neutral resources. One Levy for the Faust reset, but I couldn't justify deck slots forSame Old Things without other powerful events, maybe that's a bad play, I guess it forces you to be careful.

/Possible Changes/ I would love to fit in some multi-access cards, and it is hard to play a deck without Parasite. If anything is to change influence-wise it would be for those, and that is a definite possibility.

I also think there might be potential in Drug Dealer, you can turn off the bad with Dr. Lovegood and it triggers after you get the Safety First draw. Plus it's potential fodder for Independent Thinking and the cheaper, the better. I am also a little bummed that I couldn't find the room for Adam's signature Multithreader, but Faust just doesn't need the credits.

11 Aug 2015 Pinkwarrior

I actually think Adam: Compulsive Hacker will turn out to be the most powerful of the runners tho I personally prefer Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist. I also fell that as good as Desperado is the 6 influence hit is alot when you have Brain Chip that actually dose what some of your other cards are doing. Adam actually starts with multi-access in play and a double click through ICE so getting an early agenda seems mighty easy. Have you thought about using the e3 Feedback Implants to work with the double click ability?

11 Aug 2015 Irrio

@Pinkwarrior I found Desperado to be just too strong of a card to pass up, and honestly it's a lot of influence, but one of the strengths of the neutral runners is they have 25 to work with. Brain Chip is cool, but it doesn't give you the insane turn one draw engine that Public Sympathy does. I think with Brain Chip you need to build your deck around the bonus memory, and this deck can't really utilize that. As for e3 Feedback Implants I think they are good with Adam, and not bad with Faust, but after playing around with it for a few games I felt it had too low of an impact for its influence cost. I think it fits perfectly into some sort of Brain Chip/Overmind deck, but I haven't tried out that archetype.

11 Aug 2015 Myriad

Try drug dealer. Plays nice with Dr. Lovegood.