Tenmorrhage v2.8

ivanbarker 672

The basic idea is to get rewarded for making runs, which is what you should be doing anyways. Almost everything in this deck gives you a bonus for running. With 13 run events and 3x Same Old Thing, Ken's ID is super useful. But his ID is even more useful for the 17 influence.

The influence here mainly goes towards Hemorrhage and Hacktivist Meeting. This deck is mainly focused around HQ card control. Combined with CBI Raid and Utopia Shard, the corp will have a hard time hanging onto cards for very long.

The win conditions are: 1. Disrupt HQ and make the corp play sub-optimally, not allowing any combo plays. 2. Concentrate agendas in the Archives, or in HQ and access them. 3. Use your bag of run event tricks to get agendas.

The main idea here is to get Hemorrhage out nice and early and start making your runs. You will get virus tokens as a byproduct of those runs. Have both Hemorrhage out, and double your tokens. And then start making the Corp toss cards out. Now the Corp gets to choose which cards they toss, but it's never good for them. You could make them toss 2 cards per turn and break any combos they were building towards. But the advantage here is that they will keep their good cards, such as agendas, in their HQ, or in a server. Hemorrhage is great because you don't need to run HQ for it to work, you could run anywhere (in case HQ gets locked down).

Furthermore, just leaving virus tokens on Hemorrhage is an awesome way to threaten the corp and make them play sub-optimally. If they purge, then that's fantastic. Good way to waste their clicks, along with CBI Raid.

Hacktivist Meeting on the other hand, does not allow the Corp to choose which cards to toss. They MUST discard at random as an additional cost. In a way, it's a bit counter-productive if you are trying to concentrate cards in HQ. However, it works wonders for deterring the Corp from rezzing their assets (or upgrades), especially if HQ is flooded with agendas from you concentrating them.

When you combine Hemorrhage, Hacktivist Meeting and Utopia Shard, you can drain the HQ of all it's life-blood (and any combos in there). But this is where the magic is. If the corp is fully drained, and Hacktivist Meeting is making so the Corp HAS TO discard a card to rez an asset (or upgrade), then the Corp cannot rez any assets (or upgrades) anymore. And if draining their HQ isn't working, CBI Raid is there for your sabotaging run pleasure.

Some specific card choices:

  • The 2 High-Stakes Job seem like a natural fit for Ken and Public Terminal. You do not want this early, and it is more use mid game. Useful followup to Account Siphon.

  • Desperado is being used instead of Doppelgänger for the money. You could use Doppelgänger since it is NAPD MWL compliant, and would net you extra virus tokens, but I found that the more runs you make, the more ICE you have to break, and the more expensive it is.

  • I include 3 copies of Public Terminal to get it out early. It is also great Power Shutdown fodder.

  • Enhanced Vision is included so we can figure out the optimal timing to Legwork into HQ or what ICE might be up for High-Stakes Job. When combined with Hemorrhage, it gives a powerful tool to know when to trash; super useful if the Corp is keeping a small hand.

  • I debated between Symmetrical Visage and Kati Jones for the slot. Kati Jones is great, when you get locked out and need an influx of cash for a big run. But I found it click intensive, and it took too many turns. I chose Symmetrical Visage due to the click compression it offers. It helps a lot when I have to click for cards when I'm not seeing what I want. (I had John Masanori in here, but dropped it due to the tags)

  • I popped in Mongoose for the early game pressure, but I do have Faerie for when the Corp decides to double stack Sentries. I chose two Cerberus "Rex" H2 for remotes (though Enigmas hurt) and Passport for backup. The suite is topped off with Corroder and Breach. Giving it 2 Fracters, 3 Decoders and 3 Killers.

  • A quick note about Councilman. Preferably I would have Hades Shard in here for accessing Archives to get the agendas. No influence left for that, but I have the much more versatile Councilman. Councilman is in here to stop Jackson from taking agendas out of Archives when you run it. Obviously it doesn't work when Jackson is already rezzed, so make sure you trash it first. But keep the Councilman in hand, and then the turn you run Archives, play it, and then run. You could then go trash the Jackson after too. Versatile to deal with Caprice, Ash, or Crisium too. Combine this with Hacktivist Meeting and you're golden.

What you want to see in an opening hand:

What I would like to fit into the deck or change:

1 Jun 2016 ivanbarker

I'd like to fit in Sports Hopper for the damage protection it offers... It would also help with additional draw if I need it. I would preferably fit in 2. But no idea what to cut for it.

3 Jun 2016 D4KEN

@ivanbarker what about -2 Cerberus "Rex" H2, -2 Faerie and +1 Peacock, +1 Mongoose and +2 Sports Hopper. For centrals you have the Passport so Peacock is just the "Emmergency Breaker" for the Remote. 2 Mongoose against stacking Sentries.

3 Jun 2016 ivanbarker

Thanks for the comment @D4KEN. I do like this idea. The disposable breakers aren't ideal huh? No recursion, so you could run out. I do find them efficient though. But they are taking up this 2 slots! I'd like to get ZU.13 Key Master too, especially with the link Sports Hopper offers, but I don't want to drop a Hacktivist Meeting for it.

Do you have any experience with double mongoose or peacock? Are they efficient enough?

22 Jan 2018 Cannister

I played a modified version of an earlier version of this deck based on my cardpool - see it here: netrunnerdb.com

I was playing against Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow - and maaan. Early game I got to run a lot (but wasn't getting lucky), but then after all the centrals get iced, the game gets reallllllly hard.

Besides the economy problems and memory problems I had - one unexpected thing happened: The Corp player almost always had no cards in HQ after a few turns.

They also happened to have a Jeeves out behind a huge server, so very often they would be able to purge counters + install the one card, or click for 3 credits and install. It was rough.

Any ideas on what to do with this deck against an empty HQ? Just do whatever I have to to kill the Jeeves? With two Hemorrhages & Eater out, I didn't have the memory (only had 5) to install the programs to get through to the Jeeves and still access & trash it.