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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Deck valid after Fifth Rotation |
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Use grip size as a resource for core damage. Take core damage to sabotage the Corp and draw more cards using Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist's ability. Maintain 7+ cards in hand to avoid BOOM!. Mitigate PE's net damage threats.
Main Engine
Obelus - Increase our grip size. Minor source of card drip.
God of War - Generate tags and feed them to Obelus to indefinitely increase grip size.
All core damage cards (Running Hot, Ghosttongue, Light the Fire!, Begemot) - Self-inflict core damage up to seven times, for a total of 14 sabotaged cards and 7 cards drawn.
Since we are floating tags, resource-based economy is a bit dangerous. So our economy is generated via events.
Ghosttongue - Improves the efficiency of our event-based economy.
Creative Commission - Free to play with Ghosttongue installed. Gain five credits from a zero credit bank with one click.
Dirty Laundry - Run Archives to see sabotaged cards. If the Corp isn't protecting R&D, run it and get card draw from Obelus.
Hot Pursuit - Eight credit gain with Ghosttongue installed. Increase grip size with the tag and draw a card with Obelus.
Wildcat Strike - Can't go wrong, especially at a reduced cost and larger grip size.
Sure Gamble - Of course.
Win Conditions
There are three. Mill out the Corp, "Deep Dive" with Counter Surveillance, or score enough Agendas from Archives using Sabotage.
Chastushka - Very painful. Accelerates mill and trashes combo pieces. Telegraphed with Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist. The Corp will ice HQ.
Counter Surveillance - We'll have a lot of tags. Very easy to see deep into R&D, or access all of a sabotage-filtered HQ.
Support Card Selection
Light the Fire! - In addition to core damage, it will kill Spin Doctor, NGO Front, Jinteki traps, heavily upgraded remotes, et cetera.
Buffer Drive - Core damage trashes a random card from our grip. This regularly upends plans because heap retrieval comes at a premium. Put those valuable cards back in our stack.
T400 Memory Diamond - We are using memory-heavy cards like Stargate, Begemot, and three Botulus'. We may also find ourselves in a tight spot without Obelus and need the extra grip size to dodge BOOM!.
Harmony AR Therapy - Bring back core damage cards to commit more sabotage.
Steelskin Scarring - Pray that core damage hits this card. With Ghosttongue, it's an objectively better Diesel without having to pay influence costs.
Leech - Make God of War a usable icebreaker.
Botulus - Ensure HQ is always runnable.
Stargate - Punish the Corp for not protecting R&D.
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