Baba Katya

byjarke 151

I've been trying to make a shaper/baba yaga deck, and this is the most successful so far (I also tried The Professor, but wasn't so lucky). Plan is simple: try to put Baba pieces together A.S.A.P, and then just do whatever you please with ice, paying a little more than peanuts (annoying DNA Tracker costs 3 creds for example... before you costumize it. Of course, since you have spent so much time putting that machine from hell together, you want to add it your personal touch and protect it.

Economy: I like to have money. I know some players do with less, but I prefer to have my options, so your best designed program, your blogging, the corp's dirty secrets, cheating in your poker games, some dealings with the local mafia through your contacts... all is welcome, even sometimes your best friend.

Silver Bullets: in the current meta I find it difficult to survive without the Jinteki gear, anti-midseasons/punitive/personal evolution..., FU-FA, and BOOM-me-not. A couple of currents to counter the corp's nastiness.

Astrolabe and Diesel to draw, Test Run and Self-modifying Code for speed and a Levy AR Lab Access just in case.

Still tweaking, so thoughts are appreciated! Tags are a problem still and I'm thiking of ading Paricia for asset trashing.

12 Dec 2016 Shieldwall

DNA Tracker will stop costing you 3 only with 2 Personal Touches. It may take quite some time to reach that point. Also, might be worth to use a different fracter, as breaking Ice Walls and Vanillas for 2...sub-optimal.

12 Dec 2016 FarCryFromHuman

@Shieldwall: I agree about the fracter. Just run Inti IMO, and use the extra 2 influence for a second Temüjin.

12 Dec 2016 byjarke

I know...but I was so sick of curtain walls, and also with the link it doesnt take space... I'll have to think about it

12 Dec 2016 FarCryFromHuman

Curtain Wall is definitely an edge case, and is going to cost you an arm and a leg regardless (STR so high....).

The free is certainly worthwhile, but I think I'd trade a 0 install cost and breaking single-sub barriers for 1 over it any day. This might change with the new Red Sand ICE but only time will tell.

I suppose you could always run both breakers.