scapenet probably beats everything (2nd at New Years Showdow

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AugustusCaesar 1811

This has to be the meta with the most Scapenet targets in a long time. There is almost no deck that it does nothing against.

Mulch: it is obviously a star here, permanently rfg-ing a chip is not only massive tempo, but also hurts mulch's endgame.

Reg Hosh/Crim: both rely pretty heavily on The Twinning to pressure you and stop you from building a doom remote. If you can snipe it, you have pretty good odds in an endgame. If they are rich enough, they still loose 6+ creds to the exchange, which can be a big help in opening a window.

Lat: the lack of accesses by lat does leave it stranded more often than not, but you aren't usually sad to see Lat across the table as PD

Esa: Well ok, esa will rarely have targets, but Scapenet is still great for giving you a consequence free pitch to sabotage.

Kit: Ok, now you got me, against kit it is just a stone brick, cut the tape

Thanks for coming to my TED talk, now please refrain from actually putting Scapenet in your decks so i can have my mulchy fun in peace.

15 Jan 2024 Council
15 Jan 2024 Satoshi

Az: Noo, not my Prognostic Q-Loop !

Wait, who's Az again?

15 Jan 2024 crowphie

I've been singing scape's gospel for a while now, nice to see it put up a performance. Sweet to see you improve so much over the last season c:

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