A Regular Day In Vladisibirsk (75th @ Worlds 2024)

Gathzen 446

People might recognize my name as the one person who has been playing Pravdivost for a while now. After many months of testing, grinding, and iterating, this is the version of the list I ended up on. However, after all this, I was not able to find a deck that really held its own at higher level. Not putting in the results, I feel like Worlds was a good place to send this deck off, and after which I will start trying out other IDs and play styles. I might still bring it to local COs and small casual tournaments as I still love the deck and the ID, but I will try and focus on new decks for more competitive events.


It's been a couple months since I last posted a version of the deck, and it has changed quite a bit since this version.

After EMEA I really felt like Logjam was not quite right in this list and meta. As I was running so few ICE, it never felt quite good enough as Runners have many tools to invalidate and get into servers with only 1 piece of ICE. Because of that, the deck could not score out safely behind ICE and there were not enough tools to punish the Runner from trying to interact with our board. For those reasons, I decided to pivot to having less ICE and adding more punishment.

I'm not going to go over all the changes, but the notable key cards that have been added are ARES, Charlotte, Oppo, and Freedom of Information.

This deck still has all the tricks of the previous version with Business As Usual and Vladisibirsk City Grid, in addition to some new ones thanks to Freedom of Information and Shipment from Vladisibirsk.

However, I still don't feel satisfied, and I was still looking to improve the deck even though I am moving on to other stuff. Some of the main changes that I have considered and played with since Worlds are:


Shout out to TAIB, you people are amazing! It was so nice seeing some of you again and meeting some of you in person for the first time! I really enjoyed hanging out with you all and it made the Worlds experience that much better! Thank you also to those that couldn't make it cheering for us on the net!

Big shout out to Jon (TheRemix), one of my Seattle meta friends who started playing the deck a few months ago while he was trying to learn new decks and archetypes. It's been super fun and very helpful to have someone else testing the deck with me and to be able to bounce off ideas and observations to try and improve it together, would not have gotten here without your help.

Huge shout out to NSG, all the staff and volunteers for organizing and running such an amazing and fun event! This was my second one, and I hope I can make it again next year!

25 Nov 2024 Baa Ram Twu

Always great to see you're tinkerings with this ID.

fun fact - I pulled a Prav Player onto stream for UK Nats as I have been clearly spoiled by your interesting Prav lists and wanted to see what they were doing, and got wailed on by Chat for my 'poor choice of matchup'

:/ RIP!