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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Pre-rotation decklist |
Went undefeated at a GNK. I chalk the victory up to good gamesense, most of the experienced players playing jankier decks, and a good heap of luck.
Cards are pretty self explanatory and boring. I can safely say that every card in this deck is at least good.
27 Dec 2015
28 Dec 2015
Oh wait, you meant people. I think it was 21 people? Not sure. Around 20 though. |
28 Dec 2015
Haha I'm pretty sure I was 2nd place at this tournament. Salt Lake City GNG?? |
28 Dec 2015
Liam! You're the man. Well played with those decks btw. I have to say, though, most of the experienced players came to win that day...everyone was in try hard mode for sure. So your results are real! You made zero mistakes in your two games against me and definitely earned that 1st place. I hope you post your deck lists on Stimhack too...give Adam and Sol the love everywhere. |
29 Dec 2015
I really like your breaker suite. I'm curious, why ZU.13 instead of Gordian Blade? |
5 Jan 2016
This looks like an excellent deck. Been playing something similar, but it got a bit messy with the changes, so I'll probably swap back to this. Just a couple of queries:
Either way, thanks for the list and congratulations on the win. |
5 Jan 2016
16 Jan 2016
How are you using Independent Thinking? Are you smashing your directives asap? Nice to see a deck without 3x Public Sympathy. |
19 Jan 2016
@instinctive: Smashing your directives at the right time is probably the single highest skill part of this deck. It all comes down to evaluating how much something is costing your compared to how much you're getting out of it, and all three of the directives have games where they should be kept through the end and games where you get rid of them almost immediately. Always Be Running: This is the directive I get rid of the most, and also perhaps the best one. It puts immense pressure on your opponent, making their centrals leaky and making it much, much more difficult to rush agendas. However, if you aren't making productive runs, the -1 click is a massive tempo hit. The three situations you should get rid of this in are either having Overmind or a full set of breakers with enough cash to use them, when you really need to set up for the late game and are okay with giving the corp some space and potentially some agendas, or the corp has some kill threat with scorches or snares that you don't have the money or handsize to handle. Safety First: This directive is the one I keep around the most. The most notable downside of this card is that with no Brain Chip or Plascrete Carapace you die to a single scorch. Really, the two situations where I get rid of this are either when I play against PE where Snare! kills your entire hand or against faster scorch based decks where you need to be able to survive a single scorch to get the ball rolling. However, if you can keep it around and play your cards right, it turns out clickless draw is really, really good. Brain Chip is enough handsize support, provide you snowball early and get at least 2 points. Neutralize All Threats: Not only is it a free HQ Interface, it's a free HQI from turn 1! This gives you the early central pressure that you need to stop yourself from getting steamrolled by NEH fast advance decks. The problem is that trashing unrezzed SanSan City Grids or PAD Campaigns out of a central can be a massive tempo hit to you. If the corp is just spamming assets and baiting you into them consistently to keep you down, this can be worth getting rid of. If you get a few Scrubbers out, though, it basically gives this card no downside. So yeah. it's not particularly easy knowing when to toss your directives. There are games where you'll keep one all the way to the end and games where you'll be frantically digging for Independent Thinking to get rid of them. The only real way to know what to do is to play some more Adam. |
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How many in the GNK?