Aggrogabe MWL (3rd place SC Zurich)

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4th Place Regional AggroGabe, undefeated in Swiss
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munchli21 339

This is a variant of my Store Champs Deck (went 3rd out of 17, just included MWL and Kala Ghoda changes).

The initial idea of this deck is based on the runthenet article: On Drugs and Devils: A New Breed of Aggressive Criminal.

It feels so strong. Go through your deck as fast as possible and just siphon the hell out of everybody. No one cares about the Drug Dealers when they are on too little money to trash it.

Really just try it. Had a lot of success with it so far.

2x Levy AR Lab Access are probably not enough... Really, my initial version ran 3x of it and 3x Faust. I have to tutor them with Special Order b/c influence is tight with MWL now... But still. Same Old Thing is usually used for Maker's Eye or Siphon Spam.

Strategy/Playstyle: Hit HQ hard with Desperado installed. Slam the corp and get your 13 creds Account Siphon money. Then drop the Sneakdoor and hammer further. Finally, get your last points with Maker's Eye. Get ridiculous amounts of money from your runs (Siphon, Dirty Laundry, HQ hits, High-Stakes Job with a Bank Job and Desperado installed is just disgustingly funny :) , ...).

Remarks: Quality Time is there for the obvious reason of loading Faust. Likewise is Fisk. Mongoose advances kind of to a key card, protecting Faust from mean cards like Komainu or Swordsman. For NBN or Weyland IDs you probably need the Fracter installed, HB ice most certainly require your little puppy installed.

Hope you enjoy playing it.

I do!

12 Feb 2016 Simone Suka

I'm going more "yolo", with this.Using 2 Mongoose, only 1 Levy AR Lab Access and using 2 R&D Interface on the maker's(cuz of 1 Levy AR Lab Access). Also using Corroder over Breach. I think i'll go for 2 #Levy AR Lab Access

12 Feb 2016 munchli21

To @Simone"Suka": Cool, let me know if that works. I usually just go with breach for easier Wraparound handling. Maker's Eye choice over R&D Interface was due to the inclusion of Same old Thing, which in turn can also be used for Account Siphon if need be.

To be honest, there are matches I don't even need one Levy but, and there are battles I've used both at the end...

So let me know whether it works for u.

12 Feb 2016 Simone Suka

Since now I've made 2 matches. 1 won and 1 lost for my missplay (wanted to win easily and ran on an unexpected swordsman that trashed the levy and killed Faust too. Then unlucky cuz I had to draw the entire deck for a same old). But definitely that worked. In the 1st match he had no time to make a single point. And it was neh FA.

12 Feb 2016 munchli21

@Simone"Suka": Hmm sometimes it's good to have a second levy for just that corner case ;-). Actually, I had similar experience playing that deck. It's good against NEH or glacier kind of decks but performs badly against Jinteki traps or net damage in general.

12 Feb 2016 Simone Suka

i think this could work in Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist too, no?

12 Feb 2016 munchli21

@Simone"Suka" Mhh not sure about it. Only have limited experience playing her but in my understanding she is not eager to have ice rezzed from aggressive runs, don't u think?

12 Feb 2016 RedV

I really like your deck since it was first created. I know it took a hit from MWL as you had to drop the third desperado and even lost two influences doing it. This deck really depends on faust for that early aggresion and econ. Have you tried dropping the 2nd levy for +1 desperado +1 faust. I am mainly worried that if you lose your sole Faust early game, you would get crippled the rest of the game till you could levy. Of course, 2nd levy would increase chance of finding it.

13 Feb 2016 munchli21

@RedV Thanks :) Hmm dropping it seems a little risky? I mean, with Faust found even earlier I'll go trough my deck even faster (or at least I trash a lot more)! But on the other hand I have a working breaker :) So yeah maybe I just have to get out more of my runs with only one Levy... I could try that sometime :) Thanks for the idea.

Sad part is, I can only siphon 6 times and what ever is left from Same Old Thing ;) And I am just a Siphon Spam Kid, u know :)

20 Feb 2016 lolpaca

Been loving this deck a lot, it just prints cards & money.

My only switch has been High-Stakes Job, which seems a bit unnecessary, for e3 Feedback Implants to give you the option to pay instead of chucking your entire hand away to get into a server (eg vs Jinteki). Needs more thorough testing but it's doing work.

23 Feb 2016 TheBigBoy

Nice Job keeping this alive. The lack of Parasites, Datasuckers, and Shutdowns is really interesting.

2 Levys seems so unnecessary to me though. after 6 FIS the corp should be pretty much out of cards. Are you discarding them?

Also 3 Plas...your meta must be horrible to play in :/

23 Feb 2016 munchli21

@lolpaca friend of mine suggested a one-of e3 as well. I think it can work, especially with multisubs ice. thanks for the hint. how is it doing for u so for? Aren't you missing the huge pile of money from high-stakes?

@TheBigBoy Thanks. I am glad you like it. Hmm unnecessary is a strong word ;) There are games, I have to cycle through my deck two times, especially after losing a faust to a power shutdown or something like that. What's more, with all the museums around atm, FIS probably won't drain the corp from cards. But I see your point. 3 influence is huge! And the meta is sooo meat damage eager :D You should come to our game nights if you'll be here sometime (Zürich)!