Knight Classes V1.1

Cancer Ace 156

Deep Red is 1 influence. The professor can spare 1 influence. That was the concept.

What it became was using an insane amount of draw power and recursion to get exactly what you need, when you need it.

Diesel, Quality Time, and Self-Modifying Code get you what you need. Clone Chip and Scavenge keep them there. Test Run can do both of those things.

Central Breakers plus a few extra. Knight can pop in where you need him. Parasite and Datasucker kill things. Other programs provide Econ.

Largely an experiment but I look forward to developing it further. Hoping for some feedback.

31 May 2014 GPWK

Looks like silly fun. I foresee shenanigans in this deck's future.

31 May 2014 rahmal

I'm a big fan of the professor. I have a few suggestions of programs you might wanna work into the deck. Keyhole, medium, Hemorrhage, nerve agent, maker's eye. Do you catch my need some multiaccess programs or events. Other than that...looks nice