Talk To My Attorney v1.0

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Talk to My Attorney v1.5
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Ajar 1624

This is NOT the deck I ran at FFG's February monthly tournament. I was experimenting with both Knight and Keyhole in Andy to see which I liked better, and that spread the deck too thin; it went 2-1 at the tourney and I finished second of 16 players. That answered the question: Knight is great in Andy, and great overall, but Keyhole is better. So I reconfigured the deck closer to standard Andromeda, but with Keyholes in place of the usual R&D Interfaces.

Using Keyhole and keeping a resilient breaker suite (no more 1x Corroder now that Power Shutdown exists) meant cutting Quality Time. Lawyer Up isn't pure draw, but it's a great way to dig after you land a Siphon. John Masanori also helps you dig, and Lawyer Up conveniently mitigates his tags as well.

The Akamatsus are necessary to support Keyhole, even though it means going down to a single Datasucker. Watch out for Power Shutdown with X=1; try to have a sacrificial Faerie available when Akamatsu and/or Datasucker are in play. That's why there are 3 Faeries.

4 Feb 2014 M3th

I like this. So what's the results? One question : why not using garrote instead of FF? because the lack of MU?

4 Feb 2014 Ajar

Untested so far! I made these changes immediately after the tournament, which was last night. I'm a fan of Garrotte, but with Keyhole, I just can't spare the MU.

4 Feb 2014 lopert

Why two keyholes instead of keyhole + SMC? Paying two credits for flexibility / not having a dead draw could be an improvement unless you find yourself struggling for credits.

4 Feb 2014 Larro

Bank Job over Kati? Do you have enough sustainable Econ without Kati/Armitage/Casts?

4 Feb 2014 Ajar

Masanori gives me one tag often enough to make Kati/Casts slow me down more than I'd like. I do want just a bit more econ in the deck, so maybe the thing to do is to dump Masanori for Mr. Li and fit in Daily Casts.

SMC is something I'd consider after I figure out how to get a little more econ in there. As it is now, I don't think the deck can support it, and the instant speed capability of SMC doesn't add much value to the deck; it would purely be a tutor.

Oh, I just noticed I said I went down to 1 Datasucker in my post, when obviously there are 2 Datasuckers in the list. 2 suckers is the right number. One of them will be the promo I won last night! :)

12 Feb 2014 Cemehiden

Why do crims not run Crash Space over Plascrete?

14 Feb 2014 Ajar

It only soaks 3 meat damage, and now we have Lawyer Up to purge tags more efficiently. I did consider Decoy in Andy last year, but now with Punitive Counterstrike, I think Plascrete is even more important.

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