Talk to My Attorney v1.5

Ajar 1624

After many internal revisions, I took this to FFG's Store Championship. I went 2-2 with it, although one loss was due to my own blatant stupidity in facechecking with only Corroder on the table and a board full of rezzed barriers. Sure enough, the unrezzed ice was a Rototurret. There are three Faeries in this deck as insurance against this exact scenario, but that doesn't help if you don't play them! Whoops.

Keyhole was once again the all-star. Sometimes you drop Keyhole and simply win that turn or the next turn. Other times, you score a couple of points from it and pressure the Corp, then round out your breaker suite and attack HQ or remotes for the win. Still other times, you see few or no agendas with multiple Keyhole runs, which is a strong indicator that the Corp is agenda flooded and that you should be assaulting HQ. Even when Keyhole doesn't score you points, it still gives you information! Amazing card.

Overall, I think this is a pretty strong deck that I simply didn't play well yesterday. I'll likely make a couple of tweaks, though. Masanori was dead weight; I never wanted to fetch him with Hostage. Mr. Li, on the other hand, was excellent. Simply cutting Masanori and going to 2x Kati, 2x Li saves a card slot that can become another Emergency Shutdown.

Another option is -2 Hostage, -1 Masanori, -1 Same Old Thing, +1 Kati, +1 Li +2 Daily Casts. I often found that I just needed an extra credit or two to start running on a given turn, so Daily Casts (which I've run in Andy before and loved) is a great option.