Týrs of Dee's Kingdom (6th at EMEA Conts)

DeeR 1983

This is the deck I brought to wreck your prediction models and get 6th place at continentals (In the “it’s kinda weird it happened twice” department, AoT came in 6th at Conts 2022 as well). I am very happy with how it turned out. This is where I would walk you through the decisions I made when building this deck, but I didn’t make any. I played 3 games with this deck before the event.

Why AoT?

For academic reasons, I didn’t get as much practice for continentals as I did for nationals. But I did (broadly speaking) watch both APAC and Cascadia, and I wrote down a few thoughts on the meta:

  1. This tournament is going to be extremely competitive. Like, arguably the most competitive non-worlds event in NSG history.
  2. There are way too many diverse corps, and corps are weakly favored in the meta.
  3. Therefore, in order to have a chance of making top cut at this tournament, you need be building very generalist runners, that can deal with an extremely wide array of threats. I narrowed consideration to Sable, Hoshiko, Arissana.
  4. The best chance of beating a generalist runner is to run an extremely specialized corp (hyper glacier, mill, combo kill, fast advance).

I think this is a very weak correlation, but consider that 2022 worlds, a runner favored meta, was won by a very generalist corp. 2020 and 2021, both of which were corp favored metas, where defined by very specialized corps. ICE seems good, Bran punishes cleaver and curupira, Ansel punishes echelon and carmen, Ravana really punishes shibboleth and buzzsaw. And it invigorates me when playing with decks I've never tried before. So, 2 days before conts with no plan whatsoever for what to do corp side, I decided to build AoT. I said if I won 2 of my next 3 games on jnet I’d say heck it and bring AoT to conts.

Reader, I won 3 games.

How did this deck win?

By hitting a lot of Aumakua/Hermes decks and drawing the nuts 2 of the 4 times it didn’t.

Any considerations?

Border Control hit well below its weight. When it felt like it was defending a big enough server, the game was already on lock for one side or the other. I would add the meh Bioroids and 2x Anoetic Void if I were to do this again. I was clicking for credits more than I’d like, but then I’d have to lose ICE and if I do that I’m basically running PD. Vitruvius is better than CFC, but not by very much. I still think the right number is between 1-2 for both, just to make sure you have the tempo positive agendas when you need them.

Anyone to thank?


20 Aug 2023 DeeR

Okay, kidding. Not that much of a heel.

Snarebears are the kindest and sweetest testing group there is. You make me a better player and a better person every day.
The Philly and NJ metas are amazing. I love watching this scrappy community grow.
This set of continentals was the most well-organized and energetic in NSG history. Everyone who helped made that happen (streamers, organizers, volunteers) should be proud of making it happen.
To the netrunner players I’ve met this year who’ve said they learned something from me this year, learning along with you is one of those great joys of my life.


20 Aug 2023 DeeR

Okay, kidding. Not that much of a heel.

Snarebears are the kindest and sweetest testing group there is. You make me a better player and a better person every day.
The Philly and NJ metas are amazing. I love watching this scrappy community grow.
This set of continentals was the most well-organized and energetic in NSG history. Everyone who helped made that happen (streamers, organizers, volunteers) should be proud of making it happen.
To the netrunner players I’ve met who’ve said they learned something from me this year, learning along with you is one of those great joys of my life.


21 Aug 2023 wiriamu

Another great write up!

21 Aug 2023 Porkobolo

i was rooting for you the whole time!! I was hoping to enter the cut to get a rematch, but i stopped at 19th position. You've done great!

21 Aug 2023 DeeR

Would have loved a rematch, though I saw your arissana deck on stream and it would have eaten the AoT deck alive.

21 Aug 2023 Council

This might be the greatest writeup of the week, at least in my book.

Fascinating analysis. Thank you very much.

21 Aug 2023 tzeentchling

I admit when I saw AoT in the deck lists I was hoping you were doing something cool with Stegadon and the AoT ability, but this also looks like a solid list. Congrats on the placing!

21 Aug 2023 DeeR

Thank you kindly Jinsei! It was an odd list. And yeah, tzeentchling. I tried a stegadon list earlier in the media but 3/1s and glacier decks mix very poorly.