๐Ÿ”ฅ Wish Upon a Boomerang (๐Ÿฅ‡ @ South Sound COH2)

FireRL 1140

๐Ÿ”ฅ Bankhar Maw Hoshiko ๐Ÿ”ฅ

This is Sokka's 2023 Worlds list with a few changes.

๐Ÿƒ Card Choices:

  • +1x Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra... Easy inclusion (Sokka mentioned this too) for lots of value. Plus, I live in an NBN-happy meta.
  • -1x Miss Bones, +1x Fencer Fueno... Ok, this may be easy to dismiss. My main thought was that Fueno is a card that's more often relevant in more matchups. My next thought was that with Hannah and Maw, I hope that I'm more often in situations where I'm not wanting to dump a full Bones rampaging corpo assets. But really I just wanted 2 influence back, and I'm a sucker for Fueno when paired with...
  • +2x Bahia Bands... I was originally considering using the 2 spare influence on other things (like a 3rd Boomerang or another exciting program to utilize that 6MU), but this^ string of thoughts led me to keeping it simple. Bands are great at boosting you forward, drawing cards, and catching those nasty Oppo Research plays off guard.
  • -1x Dirty Laundry... I also wanted to maintain a smaller decksize. Because I added 2 value-run events, I figured I would not overstep into them and took 1 out. I wasn't in love with this (or 47 cards total), but I was submitting my lists at literally the last minute and didn't want to make a bad call taking additional cards out without time to consider it. Fewer actions requiring successful runs seemed like an easy way to trim some slots while balancing the deck.

*Miss Bones was definitely incorrect to remove... Otherwise, it's generally been great.


South Sound City Grid COH2 (2-0)

ECG COH2 (2-1)

ECG Async COH2 (1-3)

โค๏ธ Thank you CephalopodWizard for organizing and running this South Sound City Grid COH2!