I love this design. This is such a neat way to make multi-access effects work. The power counters can be charged either by these new "charge" effects or by doing what criminals do: running HQ, but the effect only benefits you when breaching RnD. That's really interesting, and combine that with "marks" will lead to some fascinating game-states. Also, more cybernetics! For a cyberpunk game you'd think we'd see more of them by now, but for the most part it was Net-Ready Eyes and Severnius Stim Implant that got played, and even then I remember Severinus was more of a trendy thing with cards in the Red Sand Cycle than a lasting addition. (I also fell off of Netrunner around the time of its release, so that could be my memory being faulty). It's almost wasteful to have so much thematic potential, to say nothing of gameplay potential, and just leave it there. I'm really psyched to see if more cybernetics make their way to the cardpool, especially if they're as mechanically interesting as this one.

That being said, as long as the boat is a big deal, and I see no reason yet to assume it won't be, I just don't know how much this card will get played. I know this is about accessing and not breaking like the boat, but you need to break before you can access, unless there's some hot new suicidal corp strategy where you don't ice your servers at all. At three influence I can also see this mostly staying in criminal decks, maybe a 1-of in anarch decks. Shaper has enough great effects with RnD that I think they'll be least likely to pick this up.

Overall, I want to see more cards like this, I welcome this to the cardpool with open arms, and I really hope the design team keeps making cards like this!

This hardware goes well with Captain Padma, who can recharge it faster to get to drill R&D much better than by using The Twinning. In any shaper decks, it could be boosted by Flux Capacitor and Stoneship Chart Room.

This continues a trend that I'm really not a fan of: HB getting the lion's share of 5 influence cards on the Corp side. I'm not opposed to a five influence card by any means. What I take issue with is how it seems like HB gets more of them than any other faction. All of the norse god bioroids (Wotan, Tyr, Loki, and Fairchild), Game Changer, Kill Switch, Black Level Clearance, and Load Testing are all five influence. Add in Director Haas and Cybernetics Court and that's 11 of the 19 corp cards with five influence. Weyland has the second most with four, and then Jinteki and NBN each have two. All four factions have one "chairman" executive that runs the company (the aforementioned Director Haas, Victoria Jenkins, Chairman Hiro, and The Board) and one exhibit hall from The Universe of Tomorrow (Cybernetics Court, Franchise City, Worlds Plaza, and Genetics Pavilion) and weyland has a massive ICE (Oduduwa) and another intense meat damage effect (High-Profile Target). There's your five influence cardpool. You'll also notice that most of these effects aren't that good. Maybe not god-awful and only there for lore, but I'm not sure if these are faction-defining effects. I'm not sure why this keeps happening. For me five influence should be a rare occurrence, and seeing HB get so many is just bizarre. Furthermore, some of these effects seem like they should be more universally available. Load Testing comes to mind the quickest, but I can also see an argument for Black Level Clearance. Is this a minor quibble? Absolutely. I don't hold this against the design team or Mr. Suied here at all. And Big Deal is a fine card in its own right. Thank you for indulging me this review/rant. Hopefully we see more five influence cards in other factions soon.

I agree it'd be cool to see more 5 influence cards. This one feels like a good fit in HB. (It might become game-breaking in Weyland and in NBN it's probably a bit redundant with Shipment from Vladibirisk and I don't think Jinteki will ever be reach enough to consider a FA card this expensive).

Wow. Just, wow.

There's so much wrong with this card. Its waaaaaaaaaay too expensive and waaaaaaaaaay too weak to be particularly effective. I mean, I get the idea of this card: tag a fool, trash programs because of it. Trashing programs is one of the corp's most impactful tricks, probably the second most after killing them. However, simply reducing the runner's MU limit isn't really the way to do that. Its pussyfooting around the issue without actually doing the deed. Had this card been a bit less expensive and just said "trash 2 programs" instead, this would've been killer, especially at 0 influence.

So what's right? Just the concept and the artwork. Maybe I'm just a sucker for this kind of art, but I think its pretty cool.