Multi-subroutine taxing Ice getting you down? Make the Corp sad that they bothered to rez it.


• Cheap to install at only 2 [credits].

• Only 2 Influence, so quite splashable.

• Not an icebreaker, so does not require strength match to interact with the Ice.

• Some multi-sub Ice has routines that you don't care about:

-- e.g. Inazuma if you plan to continue running anyway.

-- e.g. Komainu if you have a Net Shield installed.


• Not an icebreaker, so cannot be searched for with Special Order.

• The most glaring weakness is single subroutine ice, such as the rather popular Wraparound.

• Trashes itself to break the subroutines, so you need recursion to do it again.

• Some multi-subroutine Ice, esp. Barriers, you definitely do want to break all the subroutines rather than waste the Grappling Hook.

• Cheap, annoying multi-subroutines like Yagura or Pup just don't seem worth busting with this!


• Obviously e3 Feedback Implants can be used to break the last unbroken subroutine.

• A program that trashes itself can be a trigger for Exile's ability.

• Note that it does not combo with itself/another copy:

-- when the first Grappling Hook fires and breaks all but one subroutine, there is only one unbroken subroutine left for a second Grappling Hook to fire at, so the second misses.

• If Quetzal doesn't have an e3 Feedback Implants down yet, this can fire first to break all but one Barrier subroutine, then her ability kicks in.

-- for the same reason paired 'Hooks don't work, timing Quetzal's ability with this is important against Barriers with 2 subroutines; if Quetzal fires first against, e.g. Eli 1.0, then the remaining unbroken subroutine is not a valid target for Grappling Hook.


Once seen only as a salve for the expensive cost-to-break Criminal programs Aurora and Peacock, e3 saw a brief bit of light beyond the box when Darwin decks were popular. Its primary use was to make Haas-Bioroid players sweat bullets, a secondary function then was to save a credit per extra subroutine broken. Now it may be having something of a resurgence, thanks to new cards in the meta. HB Bioroid lovers weep once more.

NB: this is the second ANR card to receive an Erratum (in FAQ v1.5); the (redundant) word "additional" was removed to make the card read how it was correctly & intuitively being played.


• Hardware that breaks subroutines, so it doesn't consume MU.

• Only 2 Influence, so moderately splashable.

• Triggers itself, so once one subroutine has been broken, e3 can take care of the rest.

** this means that a click-break of a Bioroid Ice subroutine can trigger e3, allowing the rest to be broken with just credits and no icebreaker.


• With an efficient cost-to-break Icebreaker suite, e3 isn't much use, making it a dead draw unless you intend to click-break Bioroids.

• but then, why would you include it?


• Using Grappling Hook to break all but one subroutine, e3 deals with the last annoying one.

Quetzal's barrier-busting ability can trigger e3, meaning that she is able to walk through Eli 1.0 once per turn for a mere credit.

Knight is one of the more popular AI breakers, costs 2 credits/subroutine to break and so combos well with Quetzal as well.

This gets a like just for teaching me what the singular form of 'errata' is, —
Wait, wait, wait. It triggers itself? I never knew about the removal of the word "additional"! When did that happen? —

Stim Dealer is an Anarch Resource that gives you the ability to take five clicks worth of actions for a couple of turns in a row, at the cost of taking a brain damage on the third turn, before starting the cycle over again. As a Resource, it is more permanent and less conditional than Event-based click gaining (e.g. Early Bird), although still vulnerable to trashing by the Corp through tagging, Character Assassination, Hellion Alpha Test, etc. Modelled on the Lucidrine Drip Feed card from ONR's Proteus expansion, Stim Dealer costs four credits less than it's precursor's eight bits to install.


  • Every first and second turn after you tap into the Stim Dealer's network, you gain an additional click.

  • Extra clicks come without the cost of tagging from Joshua B. No tag pressure means no fear of Closed Accounts, Scorched Earth, or Bad Times.

  • Extra clicks are useful for everything you might want to do.


  • Every third turn after you start on the stims, you take an (unpreventable) brain damage. If unchecked, this will eventually reduce your hand size to -1 and force a flatline (in eighteen turns).

  • Doesn't synergise as well with Data Leak Reversal as Joshua B.

  • Three influence makes it a hard-to-splash card (but not impossible) outside of Anarch.


  • Those adverse to the brain damage can include Aesop's Pawnshop to sell it at a loss of 1[credit] on the third turn, before the brain damage kicks in.

  • Public Sympathy, Borrowed Satellite and BOX-E increase hand size, offsetting the reduction from brain damage.

  • With extra clicks you can:

    • run more (more virus counters on Medium, Nerve Agent, Datasucker, etc.);

    • install more viruses as Noise;

    • install and empty Liberated Accounts in a single turn;

    • make 10[credits] off a Magnum Opus;

    • having a single click to do something with all the cards you draw from Duggars (selling some excess programs with Freelance Coding Contract, for example).


Prepaid VoicePAD costs 2 to install and gives 1 recurring credit for Events; Cybsoft's product does much the same for the same cost, but for Programs. If PPVP is good, CMD may be as well, right? Perhaps not so much: PPVP empowers events that don't normally persist so you're often playing more of them. Programs in general aren't being installed every turn, so you'll theoretically see less use out of that recurring credit.


• Unlike Sahasrara, this hardware consumes no MU.

• Unlike Ice Analyzer, the recurring credit isn't conditional on the Corp doing something.

• Unlike Cyberfeeder, the credit isn't dedicated to installing virus Programs.

• The MacroDrive does "force multiply" and as Hardware can be Replicatored.


• Where PPVP gives you credits for Events that, among other things, can make money, few Programs boost your economy.

• Unlike Net Celebrity (which doesn't stack, though) you can't use the credit to power Icebreakers (ditto Cyberfeeder).

• Hardware, barring Trade-In, isn't searchable and if you are going to tutor for Hardware it will likely be something more game changing than this.


• The aforementioned Replicator.

• Trashable Programs (Deus X, Sharpshooter, Grappling Hook) that often get re-installed by program recursion effects.

• SMC / recuring credits for mid-run program installs.

Nasir Meidan might like recurring credits hosted on cards that don't vanish in the face of a Pop-up Window.


For Anarch, this is much needed in-faction draw power, cheaper than Quality Time and is multi-modal, so provides different uses depending on the deck design.


• Cheap dig for four cards.

• Mills programs for a little money (less payout than Freelance Coding Contract).

• Draw, conversely, any Hardware, Events and Resources you see.

• Programs are, by far, the easiest card type to retrieve from trash heap.


• Costs 1[credit], so not a great money maker (likely worse than Easy Mark / Cache).

• The Runner heap is 'vulnerable' (now) to Chronos Project.

• The cards are revealed, so you're giving away information (a non-surprise Account Siphon is far harder to achieve).


• Makes for an excellent 2 Influence splash into Exile: Streethawk; he wants Programs in the heap to enable his ability.

• Weakly combines with Motivation (you see at least one card before Injecting).

Clone Chip can pull back a Program before the Corp can respond.

• Anti-synergistic with Oracle May (she trashes bad "guesses").

• cf./contrast with Express Delivery

• For guaranteed draw you're still better off with Diesel (0[credits]/••) or Quality Time (3[credits] /•).