There once was a Sec chief called Slee,
Who smashed careless runners with glee,
Instead of protein,
She ate subroutines,
And sometimes huffed Helium 3
Some (possibly) true facts about Chief Slee:
Chief Slee's punch hits 25% harder than a bomb in your house, and is around 71.5% as strong as a guided missile.
Chief Slee's grin is made up of equal parts delight and disgust at the frailty of the human body.
Chief Slee laughs at your 'armour', regarding it as a merely a girdle for your inadequacies.
Someone once tried to kill Chief Slee with an unregistered pistol. She would have been insulted, were she not so amused.
Chief Slee never saves face, she only wrecks it.
Jinteki tried to recruit her once. It is said her laughter still haunts the recruiter to this day.
In the language of the ancient English, Slee means 'sly', 'sagacious', and 'cunning'. She enjoys the irony.
Chief Slee feeds on your failures, especially the ones you think you got away with. With that in mind, some of Chief Slee's favourite runner sayings include, "I'll just take the tag.", "But it doesn't end the run, right?", and "Ha! All that money on a Data Ward and I'm not even tagged!".
Speaking of tags, Chief Slee has, to use her words, "no time for that", and works just fine without them. She considers them yellow, in both the literal and Texan colloquial sense.
Chief Slee doesn't forget. You can clear all those tags. You can beat all those traces. You can distract her with as many pink kitties as you like. She's not gone until she's gone.
Of course, she wouldn't be a Weyland card without being unwieldy. Her damage can be mitigated if you wear enough layers, and her low trash cost requires that you spend more effort than you might like to protect her. However, even if you don't use her for a killshot(punch), her presense will clamp down on a lot of shifty runner bullsh*t, and make them play something closer to the game you're putting in front of them, which in some cases can really slow the runner down. She is cheap to rez. She affects all servers, and she has no additional triggers beyond the runner messing up five times and the Corp having a click to spare.
Lastly, while she can indeed benefit from snorting the odd moon rock, she isn't part of an elaborate combo. She is more like an additional condition on the runner, one that says to them through a delighted/disgusted grin,
"Oh, you'd better be ready when you run buddy, because if you hit something and don't have the nouse to break it good and proper, you'll remember the words 'Inside Job' not as the time you made a sneaky fast steal, but as the time when my bosses rezzed a Hive and I played Bop-It with your lungs."