Behold! Another degenerate combo deck from the cult of jank. This deck has one win condition: flatline the runner after rezzing three Anemones using Quarantine System. Here's the combo:
"Seems simple enough," I hear your corp ass say. "What could possibly go wrong?"
Oh, you sweet summer child... Let's see:
And all this is assuming you managed to get the combo prepped to begin with! You'll lose lots of games to having your combo pieces trashed or the runner stealing 7 points before you finish setting up your glorious combo. But this deck isn't about winning. It's about the rush, the thrill of pulling off the impossible and winning in the stupidest way possible.
What are you waiting for? Copy this deck into JNet and smirk at the unsuspecting Lat as you innocently type "glhf." Bask in the glory of your achievement as you flatline aforementioned Lat with your Anemonemonemone server and smugly send that "ggwp" while cackling. Sure, you'll lose a lot, but when you's something to savor.