MaXx Damage

CodeMarvelous 20021

Here is the idea that I will be testing. Out of the gate aggression and keyhole.

the idea here is that she comes out really hard and mid to late game she has the money to vamp which will likely be more impactful than a siphon in the mid to late game.

prepaid efficiency, clone chip, and lots of events.

Looking for Feedback.

28 Jan 2015 Greek Geek

Looks nice but I am wondering about two things.

Will knights be enough for scoring? Especially without kitchenware?

Why not 47 cards? With MaxX's ability you won't lose consistency methinks.

I really think Singularity is going to be great with Eater!

28 Jan 2015 CodeMarvelous

i think knight with clone chip should be

28 Jan 2015 Myriad

Not all too different from my Maxx deck: MaxXed Out. Desperado seems like a no brainer in a keyhole eater build. Over all our builds are pretty similar, mine just is running Sucker/Parasite to capitalize off of the aggression eater allows. I also am packing Crypsis so I can punch into remotes or archives to steal the game.

Very eager to see what archetypes come out of MaxX!

28 Jan 2015 turkishvancat

I can second that Singularity has a significant niche here in Anarch again. Eater makes it cost effective and allows you to trash a remote's contents into a maybe unprotected Archives so you can score with a second run. It also destroys Mushin No Shin traps/bluffs. I played against such a MaxX Eater deck online and it completely wrecked my Harmony Medtech traps + 3 pointers deck.

29 Jan 2015 akonnick

@CodeMarvelousHow do you like the Vamp? I'm thinking of adding one to my deck but don't know what to cut. There is stuff I could cut, but don't want to add too many HQ pressure cards and already have 1 Account Siphon and 3 Wanton Destruction and am not sure I want to cut those to make room. Thanks!

29 Jan 2015 trogdor

I think you may need more money to fund Vamp. Also, 47 cards seems optimal with MaxX. May I suggest 2x Liberated Account?

29 Jan 2015 MTUCache

Loving the idea of an Anarch Mill Race deck right now using MaxX. The Eater/Keyhole/Wanton/Singularity all work perfectly for an Archive scoop. Failing that (if the Corp manages to Ice over Archives and R&D more than your econ will allow), you're probably going to be close to decking them after 10 or so turns.

While I was modelling a similar deck, I had a few considerations that I'd be interested to hear other's opinions on:

1.) Maxxing out your draw: You've got Steelskin. Why not Inject, Wyldside, and Earthrise Hotel, right? You're fishing or recycling all those programs anyway. Hell, splash an Express Delivery too if you've got any influence leftover after your Clone Chips and Levy AR Lab Access (which, by the way, I think you'd need at least one more of with all this extra draw, probably three total).

2.) Maxxing out your clicks. Obviously you're already focusing on a super-fast econ and huge draw, so net- and meat-damage aren't really much of a problem. Seems like a perfect opportunity to include Joshua B., eh? Once you've gone that far and included Amped Up, why not go full Stim Dealer? What's a half dozen brain damage when you could Public Sympathy or Beach Party to hang on to all those draws? An extra 2-3 clicks per turn will get you that many more mills, that much more econ, and suddenly things like Liberated Account and Kati Jones become no-brainers (sure, the Corp could trash them, but that's assuming they'll have clicks and credits left after you've wrecked their econ and they're desperately installing ice). Also, now doubles like Same Old Thing are no biggie, adding counters to Crypsis, and throwing in a couple Data Leak Reversals don't take up your entire turns.

3.) Lastly, even though it's on a one-off, you're going to have enough recursion going on that you can get your hands on a Hades Shard. This way, even if the Corp can seal off Archives before you can get a run in to scoop those agendas, you're still accessing it when you've got enough loot in there.

With all these extra toys you're probably up to 55-60 cards at this point... but I really don't see that as a problem in this deck. The extra cards don't slow down what you're seeing in your deck, and in fact they're giving you more and more then you're getting out of your 45 card deck. You're going to see every card in there either in your grip or your heap by turn 6 or 7 anyway. From there you can pick and choose what you want to play at any time practically. You've completely ripped open your stack and everything is face up waiting for you. Run out of recursion cards? Levy and start it up again...

29 Jan 2015 MTUCache

Also... Chronos Project. gulp. Best not to think about that one...