Smallest ob possible: 4-1, 44th at ACC

cablooshe 331

A slightly smaller variation of my smaller ob. Give me like 3-4 tournaments and I'll be back to a 49 card list at this rate.

me running this deck into reg hosh

me every time my opening hand actually has both ice and money and not 3 agendas

me every time my opening hand actually has both ice and money and not 3 agendas

If I get this opening I'm usually happy which is saying something about this list

If I get this opening I'm usually happy which is saying something about this list

wtf 79 cards

Whenever someone asks me, "why run so many cards", I usually respond with something like "I need to justify 3x Tithe". It's actually insane into all the Echelon Turbine lists to just have these 3-stacked for free on rnd.

Other reasons include:

If I was going to change anything I'd probably do something like -1 Slash and Burn Agriculture +1 Project Atlas. I found that it was hard to score the slash and burns but I had them often in HQ with nothing else to score safely.

Cool Combos


This deck lives or dies on RND. It's actually hilarious how most of my games play out. On one hand, you can break rnd lock pretty easily with an ob trigger. On the other, that just gives more unique accesses from the second or third Trick Shot.

Twinning lists do lots of damage. I find the wincons there are either Stavka Hafrún snipes or just get out fast enough to prevent horrible things from happening to you.

Worst performance I've seen though is into Hermes Tāo lists. The movement of ice really can mess you up, and hermes is generally bad if runners are running less then normal crims. I suspect 419 can be very good into this list too, but I haven't actually played into 419 at all in my testing.

Also sometimes your mulligans are the worst thing ever and you just lose, but hey thats life. Choosing whether to keep your opening hand or not is probably the hardest thing to do piloting this list.

Huge shoutout to everyone running Conts this year. I had an absolute blast playing in it!