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Standard Banlist 24.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 24.05 (active) |
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Deck valid after Sixth Rotation |
This CO goes into my Hall of Shame. My finest moments include:
Stole a 5/3 on Click 2 against BTL (I have 4 cards in hand, 4 credits in my pool). I can see EOTLs and Public Trails in the bin. Corp has an Atlas counter. I install two cards from hand and pass.
Turn 1 against 419 I decide to save a dollar by revealing the Bran I installed on HQ and then pass with 5 credits. Runner does not have Doof to punish. Game proceeds. I forget that the Runner has seen the HQ ice so I pass the turn with 4 credits. This time the Runner has it and I never recover.
Running a three ice remote against AgInfusion with Bankhar, Begemot, Laamb, and like 21 credits. Corp rezzes Anansi. I have 5 cards in hand including a Steelskin so I figure I can save Laamb’s paint ability for later in the run. Bankhar misses three times so the Anansi trigger flatlines me with Steelskin in hand.
In a couple matches I was able to achieve play that I would characterize as “Not Embarrassing”, but only a couple.
I rezzed Lycian zero (0) times.
Round 2: Loss vs xdg playing Swift Lat
Round 3: Win vs Olivia playing Pawnshop Lat
Round 6: Loss vs Wyld playing 419
Everything about the day outside of the matches themselves was excellent. Victory Point in Jersey City is rad (they even have a pet bird!)! We had something like 4-7 people stop in to scope out this (un)dead game and few of them played demo games.Shoutout to rohit for organizing this CO. Best of luck to everyone from the NJ/NYC meta that’s making the trip to worlds!
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