Inspirationless Spark 1st @French, Belgian Nats, 7th@UK Nats

davz131 277

First off, thank you to tuno for this deck as the more astute reader will recognise it is its list, card for card.

Playing this deck feels seamless, flexible and almost always smooth, operating at under 10 credits at all times while being able to threaten most of the Corp's servers. Not all Esa lists are on Maemi but this list really justifies the inclusion of two of our favourite axolotl, discounting digging through the trash and being inspired for setup and then the kickass folk songs, sometimes with the disheartening reset.

Ashen in this deck has a few uses in the deck, one of them being the ability to do it for tempo when the important cards in a given matchup are installed, resetting your Bankhar, often letting you get amped up after reshuffling your deck if you get lucky on the rfgs.

Anyways, deck's good, not as good as Lat but an absolute blast to play. Also maybe don't play this version of the deck if you're expecting a lot of Amani, you might not have a good time.

You can also see the list in action during the final of French Nationals here (coming soon).

The past few moths of Netrunner have seen me travel through Europe (Brexit be damned), taking part in some of the closest, tightest, exhilarating games I've ever had. My goal at the start of this season was to make one top cut at an in person tournament which seemingly worked out alright.

Thank you to all my opponents throughout these travels, it was a pleasure meeting and playing every single one of you,

Thank you to RainbowMonkey, ClusterFox and the wonderful team behind UK Nats (Harmonbee, Baa, CobraBubbles, kikai, dreadmaw, Nicky 3.0 and not_yeti) for the fantastic events you put on and organised

Intersecting slightly with the above, thank you to everyone in the group of friends who call themselves EA Sports. Time spent with you is amazing, your support and hype throughout the season truly carried me, can't wait for the next time we travel together!

Talking about traveling together, oko, thank you for believing in me unwaveringly and holding me up in all the ways.

Meeting and seeing so many people this season has been awesome and I can't wait for what's ahead!

(my Corp list can be found here :