Janky Adam V0.1 Alpha

Arameas 30

So Adam. What do you do with a Bioroid like Adam. TBH, I am not entirely sure. so here is my attempt at a Janky deck as it seems bar Sunny the new guys have a bit of a disadvantage.

As It stands there is no way to get rid of the three laws bar Dr. Lovegood so he is running with them up. Might as well use his ability for something. Will it hurt him. Probably, With Always Be Running the most harmful I feel.

The main idea is to get Overmind up to a decent amount of counters and use E3 and Always Be Running to get though the ICE that I am going to hit. Knight and Crypsis are there to help out with the Datasucker doing their usual anarch thing.

10 Aug 2015 Jashay

Would Aesop's Pawnshop or Chop Bot 3000 not get rid of the Directives? And I'm pretty sure Independent Thinking is designed for exactly this situation.

10 Aug 2015 skydivingninja

Definitely need Independent Thinking in here. That card is INSANE value, even if you just trash one directive. Also a good way to recycle old Overminds.

10 Aug 2015 skydivingninja

Also, I'd recommend extra copies of the directives, because they're all really good (except ABR, IMO which just eats up clicks), especially when you have a Brain Chip and an agenda stolen.

10 Aug 2015 skydivingninja

I hate comment spamming you but I forgot you're running Overmind with E3, so ABR is probably great in your deck (though you could use more run events to take even more advantage of it). Carry on!

10 Aug 2015 Arameas

I hadn't thought of using thinking to clear old overminds that is actually a neat idea. I do wonder if I need some recursion in here to bring back knight and overminds. But not sure which one to take as they all need influence.