Legality (show more) |
Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
Rotation |
Pre-rotation decklist |
Brahman : Whenever an encounter with a piece of ice in which you used Brahman to break a subroutine ends, add 1 installed non-virus program to the top of your stack.
Faerie : When an encounter with a piece of ice in which you used Faerie to break a subroutine ends, trash Faerie.
Don't you hate those pesky Tour Guides, Komainus, or other sentries with too many subs?
With this combo, you won't when you break a googleplex of those subroutines with 1. And instead of trashing the the ol' girl just toss her on top of your stack instead. Install another icebreaker from you hand, (weird that it doesn't word it as grip...) and draw it back with Johnny Be Good.
Breaking and entering. These act as support to the Brahman not only as fuel, but as insurance against Wraparound, Turing, and Swordsman. Added in Femme Fatale and Passport as a permanent solution, should the need for one arrive.
Scheherazade and Technical Writer to compliment Khan's Ability.
Temüjin Contract, Security Testing, and John Masanori. Money and draw.
Comments and criticisms welcomed....
25 Aug 2016
26 Aug 2016
I really like the idea of being able to use Brahman in conjunction with Khan's ability to reassign Femme or play Faerie repeatedly. Definitely gives me some idea's for the Khan deck that I am working on.... |
26 Aug 2016
You could probably drop the Shivs for Autoscripter or more Inside Jobs/Dirty Laundrys. You have Faerie, Femme, and Brahman already... I'd consider dropping the 2nd Scheherazade if you're planning on going through your deck a second time. Maybe Employee Strike would be helpful vs Horizontal decks? |
26 Aug 2016
Johnny Polite
I really like the central idea of this deck, it's pretty brilliant. But how often do you encounter ice where you want to use the Faerie Brahman combo? If you're using Brahman at all then you're already breaking 2 subs, and pumping two separate ice breakers isn't ideal. Beyond that, is it worth it to play the B and E suite when it means you also have to play all those link cards? |
26 Aug 2016
The lack of a permanent fracter means your solution to Wraparound entails paying 9 credits with Brahman without Spike out, getting Spike up which will get you past twice by itself, or make it cheaper with Brahman should you use them in conjunction, or your two Inside Job - or burning the Femme Fatale on it. Since The Turning Wheel pushes you more towards central pressure in conjunction with Temüjin Contract, I think Breach may work better than the Passport in preventing remote lockout early on. Brahman eats Enigma for lunch anyway. That'd leave your core deck largely intact, but I have to agree with |
26 Aug 2016
Disclaimer: I have yet to test this deck out.
Thanks all for the input. |
26 Aug 2016
Because you are using Temüjin Contract, and The Turning Wheel, this is a deck that wants to access regularly, because you're leaning on John Masanori for drawing what you just Brahman'd. Your Spike, therefore, is going to end up being fluid at some point, sacrificed to Brahman or popped to get you past a stacked barrier. I really think you need Breach, as well as a way to handle tags from a failed John Masanori and Account Siphon. |
26 Aug 2016
People say Khan really blows, but I'd say just wait. I don't think she will be top tier any soon, but the ability is really interesting and has synergy with existing cards. This deck is pretty cool. Not impressive, but it's cool. |
26 Aug 2016
Walker Net Ranger
Hey cool, looks like we had some extremely similar deck ideas. I've got my list published now to compare notes ( and to add to what others have said so far, my biggest input is: Drawing with just John Masanori probably isn't enough in a deck that also uses Brahman (maybe FIS and Hopper is enough?). I was using a Drug Dealer (not so much a fan) but next will be trying an Earthrise or three! Also, I ended up with 2x Brahman since it makes this kind of deck really sad if you somehow get your only copy trashed. |
This is just too cool.