Dr. Tenma's Tool Box

Neon Cherry 53

While I've been a fan of the game since Honor and Profit I haven't actually played the game with other people until about a week ago after giving Jinteki .net a spin. I found the Tenmorrhage v2.4 deck and modified it till I found a nice amount of balance to fit my noobishness,

Still looking for help on this.

The Strategy: The basic idea behind the deck is tempo control of the Corp. Mostly via ever looming passive pressure. Hemorrhage: Carries most of the bulk in this deck. Ken being Ken he's always running. Security Testing and John Masanori force the Corp to cover as many servers as possible. Helping thin out ice density on servers. Letting you get in easier to build Hem counters. Generally, I let them sit on 6 until I think the time is right to dump them. 4 is nothing for the Corp to worry about. 8 and they are more than willing to purge. Which is fine methinks. Feel free to waste a turn and give me time to set up more.

Drug Dealer and Kati Jones: Sometimes running is a bad idea. "Hello Snare! my recent friend" or too many ice not enough breakers yada yada. Given this is a control deck you can't afford to let up pressure. And Kate and Drug Dealer are perfect for biding your time. Drug Dealer in particular is almost never a bad choice. Unless you're against an evil food Corporation that starts with P. I find myself in the situation that I'm either broke or sitting on a pool of 16+ credits after spamming Account Siphon like 2-3 times over the course 2 turns. And both times 1 Drug Dealer and 1 John Masanori work well to keep me moving.

2x Councilman: Because Caprice Nisei makes me wanna jam forks into my eyes :D. Seriously though. Given I'm still learning, running "silver bullets" isn't something I want to do. Halts the learning process. Buuuut when I need to land a Account Siphon or a CBI Raid I NEED to land it. So Caprice is a nightmare.

Breakers: Still tweaking this. but unknowingly I gravitated to this vanilla suite just because it doesn't let me down. Played with Faerie and Vamadeva and didn't like either. Vamadeva is to hefty in price and Faerie isn't right for this build. Getting into servers consistently is important ergo I think Alias is better. I'm thinking about Eater in this build actually and then returning to Peacock over Gordian Blade.

Now for those weird choices. Gorman Drip v1: A.K.A "Click for credits/cards I'm begging you" So Hemorrhage has 6 counters. You Siphoned them to basically zero. Threw out a CBI Raid to slow the game to a crawl. What next besides just wreaking havoc on their hand? Gorman for an insult. Like Hem, they kind of can't ignore Gorman. It's going to gain credits as they attempt to recover. Either they waste a turn clearing virus counters or you git money.

Of course this all relies on Cyberdex not being a thing to which I say... fair point I suppose.

Doppelganger: This card does work. Particularly after an Account Siphon/Same Old thing. Or to build virus counters on open servers. I like Doppelganger. I think it has a home here.

Fisk Investment Seminar: Oh boy this one. Well it has some uses. But like our man Fisk said, "Timing is everything." The time to use this card is after a Siphon or CBI Raid. Siphon is obvious. But with CBI Raid... well it's not like their going to put agendas in your range anyway. So if you need the cards badly just drop the Seminar. You always need to have your next move plotted out so draw is a must.

Going back to the Hemorrhage thing for a sec. When you combine CBI Raid with about 4-6 Hemorrhage counters the Corp just won't draw for the next few turns. There's no really point given you'll just trash them. They'd rather slowly build credits up (This is usually when Gorman Drip shines). So just make them draw and shake things up a little. You probably need the cards anyway.

Well that was much longer than I thought it would be. Any feedback would be appreciated.

14 Jun 2016 Saan

Honestly the deck doesn't look bad, but it looks like you might have money problems if the corp ever gets out from under your stranglehold. If they can keep you out of most servers, or at least make it so you have to pay more than the run is worth, you're going to have a hard time making money. The 1x Kati seems good, but maybe not enough in a deck with little card draw.

The next issue is that the deck puts tons of pressure on HQ, but almost none on R&D. Making single access runs might not be enough. If you're just seeing one card, they might not care to spend their precious money and just let you in instead. Sure, you get an access, but often you're just wasting your time. They're saving their money, and you don't want that. It might be worthwhile to get a couple Turning Wheels in there in order to make those single accesses pile up into some sweet multiaccesses down the road. They'll be a lot less likely to let you in once you get a few counters built up, and you're also building them while Siphoning and the like.

14 Jun 2016 Neon Cherry


So +1 Kati Jones +2 Turning Wheel maybe?

I'm finding that Public Terminal is pulling it's weight less than I thought. It's a handy econ card. But given that pressure must be maintained I don't have the time to drop it. Usually it works better and damage fodder. So. -1 Public Terminal, -1 Hacktivist Meeting as well.

That puts me at 48 cards with little draw though. Hm. I suppose it's not damning but I'd like a thinner deck lol

15 Jun 2016 Lancelot1983

I find u play only 11 run events in 47 not much u could play another id and +1Kati and +2 Turning wheel and plz play not Fisk Seminar it is bad play better Express Delivery. And i think that Hemorrhage today not good is for pressure the corp because most play Cyberdex and when u not have Doppelgänger in play the card is more or less dead. And your Icebreaker are ok but not the sort i would play. Mfg. Lancelot Would love to play against u in Jentiki started there playing for about a month ago play most the time here in my city in a shop. Mfg. Lancelot and have a nice day.

15 Jun 2016 Neon Cherry

@Lancelot1983 Perhaps Gabe would be an interesting play on this deck. The problem is that 17 influence is vital to getting all the tools needed.

Cyberdex isn't particularly a problem tho. You have to know when to spend the counters to not lose too much. Like I said, Don't go above 6, and if I feel a cyberdex is on the horizon I can always trash two. And if you get purged one less to deal with and "Oh nooooo... I have to run more..."

As for Fisk Seminar. Timing is key. You have to make it work for you. I don't want express as not only does it cost money but I also only get 1 card. Drawing is vital and I need damage fodder. However. In an earlier build I had a copy of Sports Hopper. I think I'll -1 Fisk and =1 Sports Hopper. It's costly but it doubles as damage protection.

I'll test some of these changes. And in a later build I'll experiment with Eater as a primary breaker.

Also about the 11 run events thing. There aren't more events that I want. I see them when I need too. I also have a copy of Planned Assault and 3x Same Old Thing so it's more like 15 really. I don't think run event density is important here. That's what Kati and Hemorrhage are here for.

14 Jul 2016 ivanbarker

@DigitalkidHi there, I'm the author of the Tenmorrhage deck you referenced. I just wanted to pop in here and give you a few comments!

Thanks for tweaking the deck! I love to see how people are modifying it, it gives me some great ideas. I'm still changing my deck, and playing with it myself. Admittedly I don't get to play very often, but I really like thinking about it regardless.

As for specific comments, I like it! Your changes are great. A bunch of them I arrived on too. However, a few of your changes I tried in earlier iterations, and they didn't work that well for me though.

As a general comment, two issues I see is cash flow when locked out, and MU running out.

First the cash flow issue. You will have lots of cash, if you run... however if you hit a glacier type deck you're in for some hurt. Through my testing that's the type of deck I found this Ken deck fails to. You get locked out, and can't make runs or any cash. Sure the singular Kati might help, but you can't tutor for her. If you have the Drug Dealer installed, it would only compound the problem, since you can't get rid of him. I recommend -1 Drug Dealer +1 Kati. Myself, I went with 2 Symmetrical Visage to help with both the cash and the card draw, however it isn't as bursty as Kati is.

As for the MU, it's a tough one. You start with 4MU and eventually you get 5MU (with 2 consoles, it might take a bit of digging). Now you'll want both Hemos out, to make things the most efficient. That leaves you with 3MU in change. Add in Gorman, and that's 2MU. Not much space at all. While the Gorman is a fantastic idea, I just don't think there's memory space for it here.

I personally like the idea of Faerie (please don't use Alias, it's a pretty terrible card) and to a lesser extent Cerberus "Rex" H2, just because they are disposable, and let you free up the MU when your main breakers come along. Recently I switched from Cerberus "Rex" H2 to ZU.13 Key Master, which I'll explain in a second.

Now, as you have discovered, with a ton of one use event cards you need card draw. You tried to address this with Fisk, Masanori and Drug Dealer. Drug Dealer is good, but for reasons mentioned above, I would downplay it a bit. I did try Fisk myself, and, while the ideas are solid about timing in this deck (getting the corp to go past their maximum hand size and discard, or filling it with cards then making them dump it), in reality, I found it helped the corp too much. It was pretty limited, since the correct timing for you had to line up with the correct timing for the corp. It would just help accelerate their plans too much.

In my recent decks I dropped John Masanori too. I found him to just be too much of a liability. With the amount of tag punishing cards out there and the amount of resources in this deck, he just hurt way too much if he failed. The problem is that the benefit (card draw), is once a turn, while the downside (tag) can still happen after the positive occurs, and a tag persists until you clear it. So really, you could only run once with him to be beneficial.

This being said, I still haven't found a great way to address card draw. I did try though, and I found something that works okay. Like I said Symmetrical Visage helps both card draw and the money situation. And in my recent iterations I put in Sports Hopper. It gives a nice card boost when you need it, PLUS if I have both Hoppers out ZU.13 Key Master doesn't require any MU, AND it's damage protection (since no plascrete). See what I did? I tried to make my additions work double duty. Versatility is key. Having 1x Drug Dealer in there too might be a great idea for a steady flow, and could leech off of Symmetrical Visage.

I also did try Doppleganger. I highly recommend Desperado. Yes it hurts post MWL, but it is still likely the best console in the game. Doppleganger works amazing, if you are playing against a horizontal deck with open servers, and you have Sec Test out, but if you are playing against normal corp decks (or glacier), Desperado wins, hands down. With normal decks, in order to utilize Dopple, you need money to get through the ICE. More runs = needing more cash. It sometimes works, but Desperado always works.

I started using Hacktivist Meeting in my most recent iteration. It combos well with CBI, Hemo and Councilman.

@Saan is on the money about R&D pressure. There is none. There isn't any in my deck either, and it's a huge downside. The problem is that, against Crim, corps know to ICE up HQ hard. You can run remotes, sure, but sometimes you just want to dig into R&D. I like the idea of The Turning Wheel, since it works if you are successful or not (which would be ok if you drop John Masanori). I don't own that data pack yet, so I'm not going to add it into my deck just yet, but if I can free up the influence it would be an excellent addition. Now to take this one step further, The Turning Wheel + Demolition Run would absolutely wreck decks here. And would fit the Hemo, Hack, CBI, Councilman theme pretty well. (Also if you have Utopia Shard too, it would fit with that).

14 Jul 2016 Neon Cherry

@ivanbarkerOh sweet!

Well I haven't touched the deck (I actually have 2 other variants I made like immediately after posting this lol) in a bit as I've been testing Netrunner's new best girl Khan: Savvy Skiptracer. And Khan as shown me a lot of the Criminal ropes. I do intent to revisit this deck post-Flashpoint drop. I don't know if you keep up with spoilers but what we've gotten so far is definitely changing the landscape for this deck specifically. I can't give you solid additions or anything but I do have some thoughts.

So admittedly I think the future of Hemorrhage may rest on Omar Keung's old shoulders. With that I'm gonna get in whenever I want ability and that TAGMEBRAH! console. But let's talk Ken. I agree with most of your comments really. Some of these choices I derped on completely. I can't freaking believe I forgot The Turning Wheel first draft -_- the deck needs it. Honestly all Crims probably need it.

About Alias: I have a habit of misreading cards and derping. See when I read Mongoose my brain failed hard and I thought it was once per "turn" not "run. Alias is now useless. Faerie+Mongoose or life. No question really.

Dat Cashflow and Draw: Looking back what exactly was I thinking here? I hate running heavy on anything So I'm not sure why double Fisk Investment Seminar was needed. That should be one. I've found that in my time with Khan Celebrity Gift is an evil thing.

I am on the fence about John Masanori in general actually. When it works it's a great time. Cause it saves time. But face planting into a Vanilla or something is irritating. I do think Symmetrical Visage might be the fix I'm looking for. Draw and money. Khan taught me that having more than 40 cards is something of a hell. With her draw isn't too much of an issue and I frequently exhaust my deck. So Symmetrical Visage 1 Drug Dealer and 1 Fisk should be enough if I don't go over 45 cards.

Dem Tags: So yea... Tuition Sucks. I use Paper Tripping. And maybe Crash Space if I have the room. Yep. Sports Hopper is probably going in so I don't go Boom!.

My stupid love of Doppelgänger: Okay I like Desperado cause money. But after Temüjin Contract dropped I'm more dedicated to Doppelgänger then ever before! Rah! Rah! Fight the Meta!

But I will test out your changes at some point. Look for the V.2 of this deck at some point. Also -1Councilman + 1Political Operative. It works well.

15 Jul 2016 ivanbarker

@DigitalkidI haven't been keeping fully up to date with these new packs. I've seen a couple of the spoilers though. The new packs, plus the new MWL list, I think will change the meta quite a lot. We will see. I was hoping that Desperado was going to be removed from MWL, but it wasn't, oh well.

Adding in The Turning Wheel is for sure a change I like, so I just made to my deck. It allows a bunch of new tactics, including R&D pressure. But also, building up tokens on it is intimidating. It was hard to find the influence. My dilemma, either I drop the Desperado for Doppelgänger, or the Hacktivist Meeting (I only have one in mine, since ZU.13 Key Master required 2 inf). I dropped Hacktivist, since currently I value Desperado more. I really really like Hacktivist, but I'll see how that plays out.

I fully agree with you about Temüjin Contract, that card looks awesome. I think I would replace Security Testing with it. And then perhaps Doppelgänger might make more sense to me. Only problem is that Temüjin Contract costs 4 credits to put down, whereas Security Testing is 0. Keep me updated if you try it.

About the tags. I recently plopped in Networking. Give it a try, it's way better for Account Siphon. Paper Tripping is cool, but it costs 4 credits, you can only use it at the beginning of your turn (therefore no good for Account Siphon) and it seems like a waste on 2 tags. I think it is meant for a Midseason Replacements when you collect a ton of tags, but having only 2 tags is what Boom! or Traffic Accident needs. Try Networking. I put in just a single one.

Aside from that, like I said Demolition Run would be awesome in here now. I also cut Enhanced Vision, which makes me sad. But One thing for this deck is that I'm trying to avoid having too many resources.

Keep me posted in what you try!