Is this a pigeon?

not_yeti 984

tl;dr This is a strong deck that is easy to pilot, would recommend to any new players or anyone who likes bigger Ice.


After UK Nats (where I also played Pravdivost) I played a lot of Pigeon Fighter, it is a really strong deck and I learned a lot about playing NBN, that I wanted to put back into an ID that has interesting text on it.

We end up with something that looks a bit like pigeon if you squint...

I straight up just copied the list and started making changes, here's a breakdown:


  1. Border Control is out and Akhet is back, this works well with the NAPD Cordon + Bellona combo and frees us some influence.
  2. Tollbooth is switched for Mestnichestvo which also helps our combo. A remote server with this on the inside and Akhet on the outside is so easy to score behind.
  3. We add 2 Vasilisa, the tags and extra ability are very good for 2 cost. Install your sentries on central servers.

Overall we have a pretty buff Ice suite, I almost always muligan for a hand with 2 Ice, ideally one for the remote and one for HQ.


  1. Just add a 15 Minutes to the deck and your golden. It also opens up the lines for scoring the 7 in a way I really like.
  2. I removed one Artificial Cryptocrash because I wanted Tomorrow's Headline, with either Pravdivost Consulting: Political Solutions or Seamless Launch this allows us to score a tag and Self-Growth Program on our turn.
  3. I removed the second Artificial Cryptocrash for a Freedom of Information because it felt like lots of people were going tag me, this was probably a mistake.

This agenda suite is probably worse than Pidgeon's, I would recommend just adding the 15 minutes and calling it a day.


  1. Whilst constructing this deck I was a little inspired by Kikai's deck only running 1 copy of HHN, it means your opponent still has to play around it and our limited punishment is still very active.
  2. After cutting those Border Controls we end up with exactly 3 spare influence, BOOM! gives us a second out if the game goes too long.
  3. Predictive Planogram, value.

Some might prefer to go back to two or three Hard-Hitting News and you may consider Market Forces but nothing fancy going on here.


This deck went undefeated on the day and has any 86% win rate on jnet, I am overall pretty happy with it!

My mate Sean has been able to win pretty reliably against it with his Tāo deck because Ice placement is so important.

There are lots of interesting decisions, there are multiple win conditions and it is often possible score out by turn 8. Pairing that up with the strong ice and I am super happy with it.

Biggest thanks to @cobrabubbles who encouraged me throughout and made a lot of suggestions, the best netrunner teacher you could ask for!