Buffet of Bad Cards for APO 23

xiaat 1685

@DoomRat's/@NetDad's Buffet of Chips with a number of changes hedging against its worst matchups. The deck went 1-3 on the day, losing to MAD Ob, RH and a Rush Ob.
The changes didn't help the consistency: in some games I drew much worse than I ever did in testing, and got effectively walled out by Jinteki sentries and Ob shenanigans. The deck really struggles if there are no easily runnable servers and cards to trash. Audrey v2 counters always come at a cost, and your engine stops working if you can't consistently convert your Imp tokens into Audrey ones.

13 Nov 2023 DoomRat

:oof: yeah, I'm not surprised you struggled with those matchups. Revolver is really important to both and you have to have Tranquilizer to beat jinteki glacier. Against big ice Jinteki you really want to be able to have sequences like encounter Anansi, shoot it, then put it to sleep. Then you can run it again and dare them to burn 8 credits for a single use Anansi. Against Ob, if you bin revolver and have a simulchip ready you can completely turn off Stavka/Hafrún, which takes a lot of the pressure off. Matchup is tricky though, they usually have 3 Mavirus so you have to be thinking a lot about how not to get blown out.

13 Nov 2023 xiaat

@DoomRat thanks, those are good points! I felt like I had enough of a chance into RH taking out those cards, with Botulus often giving an okay window to set up your engine. I just had a very slow start in that game. Cookbook feels like it should've been a 2x, it's really tough to get decent value off the installs without it.
With Obs, I don't think I ran into Stavka at least when the game wasn't already over, it was more a matter of being effectively unable to deal with Envelopments, Anvils (no throwaway installs) and Border Controls (spend a hard-earned Audrey counter, run ends, the server is still iced up).