This card has an awful lot of things going for it.

  • It's an upgrade, so you don't need a special server protecting it. Just have him hang out in HQ or R&D or wherever.
  • He costs 5 to trash, so you can sort of just leave him around until the runner drops below 6.
  • While he's active, he's insane. Removing the costs kicks the efficiency of most things into superland. to gain 15 from a Restructure? Yes please! Even the humble Hedge Fund is a click for 9.
  • You don't even have to have him out - if you see the runner get low on credits, you can just install him, rez, and click twice.
  • The part where you can ignore the costs also includes the extra clicks for Double operations.
  • He can help you out on the Current war, by letting you replay your Paywall Implementations. (Although I believe it would still be removed from the game whenever it finally got trashed. And he obviously can't help you much if the current you want to get rid of is a Rumor Mill...)
  • He's a transparent reference to Neil Patrick Harris's character on How I Met Your Mother.

I don't know yet what decks will end up running this yet - 3 influence is a lot to splash into other factions, and Weyland's decks are in a bit of a state of flux, as of this writing. (End of Flashpoint cycle.) There are a lot of neat toys on the horizon for Weyland though, between Terminal Directive and the upcoming Red Sand cycle. So if any Weyland decks take shape that can leverage unreasonable amounts of money, I fully expect Bryan to be part of that.

As a bonus, if they DO trash him it probably puts them solidly below 6 creds so rezzing another one will likely put it online —
I hate how he helps Weyland recover from Vamp in a click.... as Vamp makes the runner spend many many many credits... —
It's really weird that he is an Upgrade. I honestly thought he was an asset and didn't really bother confirming it. Very powerful card. —

Once again, Criminals break new ground with clever ways to get past ice other than breaking it!

This is a card with a lot of interesting extremes. 0 install cost is great! 2 is painful. Preventing the first subroutine that would fire is awesome, but since it's "prevented from firing" instead of "Broken", you can't extend the effect with things like e3 Feedback Implants. It's really flexible, since it's "the first subroutine that would fire" - so you can break ice normally until you hit something you want to just ignore, and then let it take over, even if that's not the outermost ice on the server. And since it's a ability, you can't combo it with Criminal's powerful run events like Account Siphon or Inside Job.

It's clearly intended as a tool for early aggression. It's not technically an AI, but it fills a lot of the same niche, getting runners past single-sub ice without needing to have the correct breaker. It actually has a lot of overlap with Vamadeva, and is generally better for anything over strength 2. (Except for the memory cost, and the inability to use it with run events.)

All in all, I'm actually cautiously optimistic for this card. Şifr was the big news for this pack, but I think this card, sitting quietly in the background, will help enable an awful lot of criminal (and potentially other) nonsense.

Other random thoughts:

  • It combos especially nicely with the breakers that break a fixed number of subroutines at a time. Black Orchestra, MKUltra, etc. Lets you use Black Orchstra to fully break Mausolus for 6 + 2 credits instead of 9, for example.
  • If you can spare the influence and/or MU, it could be really useful for Apex: Invasive Predator. It's really flexible. It has a bit of overlap with Endless Hunger though, although they each have their strengths. (Endless Hunger can't get past Resistor, while Tracker is thwarted by the humble Enigma)
  • Because of how it's worded, it actually doesn't benefit much from instant-install effects. You can't install it when you hit a high-strength, single-sub piece of ice. You have to install it early, before you run.
  • It combos brilliantly with Grappling Hook.
  • It will probably get exploded with Best Defense.
  • You can combo it with Street Magic to make sure you always skip the worst subroutine. (Hat tip to @Kitescreech for the suggestion!)
Nice review - but I think your math for the Mausolus example is wrong. Using Tracker costs 2, so while you technically pay only 6 for breaking, in the end you paid 8. —
Huh. Also much like an AI, it lets you avoid traps too. —
It also works with "Street Magic" —
@Adquen - oh right, excellent point! (I keep forgetting about the activation cost.) Updated! —
@ Kitescreech - Dang, you're right! I hadn't even considered street magic, but that almost makes me want to try that out as a combo! Adding it to the review! —
One really cool interaction is that this counters Marcus Batty —

This identity is pretty great.

As of this writing, runners can get in most places. Between power economy cards like Temüjin Contract, and hyper-efficient rigs using thing like Security Nexus or stealth cards, a corp can no longer count on money-tax as an effective deterrent: Quite simply, modern runners CAN afford to run your scoring remote, often more than once per turn if need be.

To add insult to injury, Rumor Mill makes depending on a lot of high-impact defensive upgrades extremely dangerous - Marcus Batty, Caprice Nisei and Ash 2X3ZB9CY can all give out abruptly.

So what's a corp to do?

Well, if you can't tax them on money, you need to find an alternate tax of some sort.

Enter Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations.

Very few runners are prepared to deal with the amount of meat damage this identity can dish out. There is more than enough good, advanceable ICE to cover all of your servers. This damage can easily be multiplied by The Cleaners - either scored outright, or copied via Media Blitz, and supplemented with Prisec. (Which is also boosted by the cleaners.)

This constant stream of meat damage is dangerous. Runner builds are pretty good at preventing bursts of meat damage, to block a flatline attempt. But very few can deal with a constant drip of incidental hits. This identity costs the runner an absurd amount of of tempo over the course of a game.

But more than that, it also tends to leave the runner ending their runs (and sometimes turns) with a lot fewer cards in their hand. Which, as it turns out, is pretty cool, if you're Weyland, and might be looking for an opening to land a Punitive Counterstrike, Scorched Earth, or maybe lure the runner into an unexpected Project Junebug or Snare!. (Seriously, no one seems to ever expect Junebugs out of Weyland. I've won so many games with net-damage flatlines...)

So I think this identity is pretty solid. Coupled with Weyland's access to high-point-value agendas, it can boast impressively low agenda densities. (You can make a 4-agenda deck if you want to.) It can output crazy amounts of meat damage. It can play a glacier game, with extra costs that both sap the runner's tempo, and leave them more vulnerable to flatline attempts.

Good stuff. This is what Weyland needs - not trying to duplicate other glacier builds like Jinteki: Replicating Perfection or Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future, but new styles of glacier, that enable and mesh in with the strengths that Weyland already has: Making the runner's apartment go up in flames.

Time to take Muresh Bodysuits out of the binder —

NBN finally got their "god ICE". Taking his place next to Susanoo-no-Mikoto, Orion, Wotan (and maybe Fairchild) we get to see NBN's answer to giant, unique server protection.

And much like the other pieces of god ICE, I'm not sure how much Thoth will actually get used. It has a lot of weird extremes.

  • It's only moderately punishing on facecheck. It gives you a tag, a single damage, and loss of a single credit. Annoying, but not crippling. (I would totally run through it, if I thought there was an agenda behind it.)
  • The traces are only strength 4, meaning that high-link runners (basically anyone using security nexus) can ignore the subroutines.
  • The strength and break cost are actually pretty good, for the rez cost. Mongoose takes 7 to get through this, MKUltra takes 9, and even things like Golden or Garrote cost 6. (And still take a tag.) Not bad for a 7 rez.
  • If you can avoid the tag, (and aren't already covered in tags) then you can basically ignore the whole ice. New Angeles City Hall and Hunting Grounds make this ice sad.
  • It does give tags, just for encountering it. That's moderately nasty, if you don't have tag prevention.
  • It combos nicely with things like Data Ward, Pachinko, Quantum Predictive Model, and Keegan Lane.
  • It doesn't actually end the run.

All in all, I feel like it might just have too many downsides. Runners are packing (being forced to pack, really) a lot more answers to tags than they used to. High link is becoming more and more common. It's got some nice tax, if you can make them feel like they have to break it, but it's also really easy to just clear the tags, and accept the 1 damage/credit tax every time you want to get through.

If this card had come out a year ago, (say, around the time Data and Destiny was landing) then I think it would probably see some play. As it is now though, I think it's going to be hard to justify. If you want tax and/or ETR, Tollbooth is still the gold standard. If you really need one extra on-encounter tag effect, then you might be able to use this as your 4th Data Raven, but otherwise, there are better pieces of ICE.

I think the point of it is to get them to facecheck it when they're Midseasoned and thereby kill them with absurd amounts of net damage —
Don't forget Aryabhata tech, Runner will lose 1 credit for each successful trace —

Oh hey, it's a neutral Vulcan Coverup, without the bad publicity, and worth more points! (Cue snarky comments about Weyland toys being free to other corps.)

But seriously, this card is interesting. I think it's generally worse than both Vulcan Coverup and Philotic Entanglement, (the other agendas that do damage when scored) but I think it makes an interesting supplement to both. It is a fantastic tool for shell games, and that's where I expect to see it the most.

In any good shell game, there are a bunch of things that will hurt the runner if they run on them, (traps) and a bunch of things that will hurt the runner if they ignore them. (Agendas.) Some things that hurt the runner if ignored aren't obvious right away. (Ronin, for example.)

Think of this card as sort of a mutated, high-stakes Ronin. If it has 4 advancement on it, then at any point on your turn, you can turn it into 2 meat damage, without even spending a click. This makes it really easy to combo with actual Ronin, and/or Neural EMP, for surprise flatlines out of nowhere.

It also has nice potential with 24/7 News Cycle, if you're going for a kill shot.

I don't think it will see much use outside of murder decks, but I think it has enough interesting uses there, to be worth consideration. It will be fun to see what people end up using it for!

plus it is great in Jinteki:PE as it will land 2 meat + 1 net if scored, or 1net if stolen —
This is an amazing part of kill combos out of Jinteki PE, and it is a workhorse of my murder deck. In general, it is just as easy to score as Philotic, is less conditional, and I can run three plus Philotic. These greatly ramp up my damage potential. —