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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Deck valid after Fourth Rotation |
A sort of semi-predictable PD shell with some tweaks for the meta.
Due of the prevalence of Light the Fire I decided to cut the Voids entirely in favor of importing some cheap taxing and illicit ice from our friends at NBN and Jinteki. I also added Crisium Grids to slow down Deep Dive, Stargate and Conduit (which did succesfully work as a deterrent in at least half the games).
Also a big change was including Vitruvius which I believe was a good call. You can generally overadvance it for a counter and that is gold. I used it once after a Seamless Launch to pull it back and use it again score out a never-advanced Vacheron. You can pull back the Biotic Labor in a pinch too to finish off the game with a Vitruvius or Luminal. But the best use is to save the counter to pull back an agenda from Archives after your fire has been lit.
I'm not positing these changes are particularly good, to be clear. It was my first time playing PD and I probably misplayed quite a bit, but this deck just never had enough credits, I guess due to not having Offworlds. I don't think I ever rezzed an Ansel, a Bran maybe once. The Vacherons are a bit of a dual-edged sword and I consistently had them stolen very early, which is a nightmare. Perhaps if that hadn't happened then the games would have been a very different story, but thaaaaat's Netrunner!
TL;DR I think Vitruvius and Crisium are both good includes. I need to practice the deck more, but it's just too poor, it needs more credits.
As far as the tournament goes the games were super tight, the standings were neck-and-neck. To illustrate, if I had had one more turn in the last round before Vacheron ticked down (had the winning agenda in the remote and my opponent couldn't get in again), it would have meant the difference between 3rd place in swiss and where I eventually ended up in 7th. My runner was Slowriffs' Conduit Zahya deck that performed excellently, very fun and good to be back to aggressive Criminal fundamentals. Also great seeing old friends and new faces, thanks to @Maëlig for organising, very much looking forward to Midnight Sun and the upcoming Netrunner events here in Belgium!
27 Jun 2022
27 Jun 2022
Cluster Fox
Yeah absolutely. I had not practiced with PD at all, for example I didn't realise you can't use Tranquility the same turn you install it either. Should have tested a lot more but ¯_ (ツ)_/¯ |
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You dont have enough installables for homegrid to shine, maybe go for marylins?