As of the time of the release of this pack but not including cards that will be rotated for the next pack, the following cards have a "trash to use" effect that could make them a "free to install, was going to trash them anyway" program:
Abagnale, Crowbar, Crypsis, Demara, Grappling Hook, Harbinger (if you are using it for Endless Hunger anyway?), LLDS Energy Regulator (we're a little desperate here, I know...), Lustig, (with some combo pieces) Parasite, SMC, Shiv, and Spike.
Allow for Spin Cycle and Genesis and we add Sharpshooter, False Echo, Faerie, Disrupter, Deus X, Crescentus, and Copycat.
There are others like the bird breakers (Golden, Peregrine, and Saker) or the Devas (Vamadeva, Sadyojata, and Aghora that could go to the grip after or Brahman that could add to the stack, but the question becomes, is this enough to make this work? SMC is free so you are only saving a click and meanwhile you have to have SMC in hand. Either Diana's Hunt or the Birds/B&Es/Swindlers will cost you out the nose in influence. In the end, the issue becomes making a deck around a card that is clunky and expensive.
Make this a 1 credit 1 influence, I'll make a crazy free-bird deck just for fun. Make this a stupid broken "pull the program from your grip, heap, stack... trash if the run isn't successful" instead of only grip and no matter what, and I'd bet it would get Most Wanted Listed the next day. But as printed it's so corner case, that I doubt I'll ever put the effort in the sleeving a deck for it, just because I doubt it will ever actually work as desired.