Auction Andy: The Taps Are Back

Redino987 336

This is the runner deck that resulted from the NYC Auction Draft III, where we tried a new setup for drafting with an eternal cardpool. You can watch the auctioning madness unfold here:

At the end of the day, the cards I ended up with from the auction were: Andy, Paperclip, Apocalypse, Hyperdriver, Blackmail, Bukhgalter, Amina, Boomerang, 419, Citadel Sanctuary, Mining Accident, Security Nexus, and Makler.

The biggest cards that I wish I had gotten were Crowdfunding (because it is broken), Rogue Trading (for the econ and deck synergy), and Hot Pursuit (which I had hoped would go undrafted but alas)

Near the end of the draft I was worried that people had caught on to my schemes to bring back my personal favorite deck, Nexus Taps, but people either were not worried about facing it or didn't have the slots or money to hate my cards out of the pool. Another factor is that by spending a lot of money early on Paperclip, Apocalypse, Hyperdriverr, and Blackmail people generally thought I was meme-ing this whole process (the joke is on them though, as Mining Accident and Blackmail are a pretty powerful little pair)

As far as games go, I went 7-7 in the event. Andy took home a record of 3-4, while Titan went 4-3.


I beat Jason's SSO deck through force of will and the fact that they Red Planet Couriers'ed a Government Takeover leaving all of their Masvingos blank.

I lost to Chase's CtM by dropping to 3 cards in hand, allowing them to score a Breaking News and double scorching me through my citadel for the kill, a really big misplay on my part, since I knew they had 2 in hand.

I lost to Chris' Mti deck after losing 2 of my power taps to early econ disadvantage (He beat my citadel trace then messed up my board). This led to it being difficult to keep up with his ID's econ advantage and big ol' servers.

I lost to Jeff's Outfit after he topdecked a midseasons for a midseason -> consulting -> HPT on turn 2 or 3.

I beat Eric's Potatoes list by making sure I had 2x Caldera in my deck, and then by keeping pressure up, trashing his board with bad pub, Blackmailing into a server or two, and stealing some agendas.

I beat Patrick's EtF by being a taps deck that could run through a Surveyor pretty unscathed. A slight credit shortage on the corp side prevented them from rezzing ice to keep me from the game ending steal.

I lost to Jonas' Asa after committing to going tag me, thinking "what's the worst punishment they can have?". Turns out psychographics and vitruvius makes for an amazing combo when the corp is very wealthy.

All in all it was a fantastic experience and fun all around. I am very excited to try again some point in the future.