56-card HermeShiko on Skates

theoneakaneo 108

When preparing for Belgian Nats, I sticked to my plan:

  • have fun
  • try to win a few games
  • stick to what you know best
  • and are most comfortable with

Since the "reincarnation" of Big Maxx in the form of the recent Big Hoshiko decks, I've been playing almost a dozen of variations on the theme.

Most recently I was having a lot of fun with the Bankhar on skates) theme.

I also felt like exploring some new cards Automata Initiative brought us, most notably some shiny red Wheels and Hardware-Leela.

As there are so many gorgeous red event cards available to us, combined with the fact that Companions makes such a great Red-zeki effect, I usually land on a big pile of cards easily.

I respect that other, more recent Hoshiko builds are more consistent (only 45 cards, Stargate and Maw for disruption, or Keiko for extra income.

However my first priority is fun & some variation in the games I play.

As such, I chose Hermes, a big pile of cards, and a lot of one-offs for multi-access or disruption - almost guaranteeing a good variation of games each time you play this.

The recent banlist make me cut our beloved DreamNet, but that wouldn't make me change decks. I simply addressed this new problem "the anarch way" by adding a few extra self-inflicting damage draw-econ engines. (giving me even more variation in each game :))

I ended up having a lot of fun & varied games with this so from my point of view this deck certainly delivered what I hoped for

I want to thank @clusterfox & @slowriffs and every participant in the Belgian Nationals weekend.