Swift Lat 2th @Belgium nats

AlPi 926

This deck went 4-2 at Belgium nats.

I present to you the most optimal Swift Lat deck.
There are only 2 matchups left you're unfavored in:

1) Glacier Jinteki (AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World). Where your hand can be full of run events, but you can't play them because you don't have an answer to Saisentan yet.

2) Big strength Logjam. I had to face a 21 strength Logjam round 1 of top cut. This matchup felt unwinnable. Thank you Ryanbantwins for this experience...

If you expect some big Logjam decks I recommand: +1 Hush and +1 Cupellation. -1 Inside Job and you either -1 Deep Dive or -1 Daily Casts.

This was my corp in the event: Glacier Ob.

A huge thank you to Thomas (Cluster Fox) for organizing this awesome tournament, I'm super excited to take over the roll of TO next year!