[Startup] Ken "Twin for the win" Tenma

PowerlessCube 284

Things you will hear whilst playing this Deck:

"Oh Ken, I like Ken - I never play him but I like that he's around" - The Thule player with 3 Mr. Hendrick's in a remote

"Phew! I thought this was another Steve deck, I'll scream if you make me choose between two No Free Lunch" -The forever prison PE player

"You should play Sable, She's better" - Your inner Deck builder

But my favourite thing I like to hear at the end of game is: Oh wow! That was such a close game! Well played!"

And that's why I like Ken, when you play your best, it always feels like a well earned win. And after the game, both players can talk excitedly about the big swings in the game.

TL:DR sum it up with a gif please...


The Core Mechanic of this Deck

This deck has been through a few itterations but the aim is to get a solid set of breakers out when needed, pressure the centrals with Twinning and WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ tokens. Fueled by Prepaid Voice pad and Cezve making the corp waste ice on trying to keep you out of the Centrals.

Starting Hand

Aim for economy cards and ideally a Prepaid Voice Pad, you want early savings off your events and fuel for your Twinning


Steelskin Scarring A solid splash you might want more of in your deck. It helps fuel Prepaid VoicePAD Twinning tokens with the 1 and draw 3 cards or be a great target for cybernetic meat damage. We have the usual suspects with Career Fair and Earthrise hotel for that clickless draw. Ideally you want to Career install the bigger resources but it your feeling flush and you want to scroll through your deck each turn go for it!


With an early Prepaid VoicePAD and Ken's abilty you breakeven or earn a +1 cred to each run event in this deck which is good value. Pennyshaver is a solid choice for maximising those creds from runs and helps take the sting out checking those PE prison decks for Bladderworts, it's also your +1 memory which accomodates your breaker suite and 2 copies of Cezve. Red Team with a Career Fair to help even out those cost of running those centrals in between waiting for your running economy cards like Dirty Laundry and Carpe Diem. Cezve is just value for money, use it for breaker trashing or even Pinhole Threading into a remote to trash what ever guff upgrade HB is trying to damage you with. Fund your central runs and earn those Twinning tokes.

Breaker Suite

2 copies of each subtype - rig shooting is prevelant in Startup. Remember, your first and best breaker is your face and you can always Mutual Favor for what you need after.

Fracter - I chose Corroder over Tremolo as I felt like the weight of setting up cybernetics and accidentally sniping out needed cards in startup can really, really... hurt. For the 2 cost and 4 influence splash you get the same value quicker.

Killer - Carmen - it's solid and you'll be running enough, that you'll install it for it's subtext cost of 3 creds. Revolver is also another option, I quite liked it, it's good value against big ice but if you have to get raked over a tough server repeatedly you end wishing for the reliablity of a dependable

Decoder - Ideally Unity is the preferred breaker as it scales with your suite and is cheaper to use. That said, if you come across Abagnale, it will do in a pinch. Plus you can always "crash" the Abagnale for a bypass on those Mestnichestvo or Tollbooths.

Tech - Hush is good, it can switch off a lot of runner hate that comes from ice in startup. Feel free to blind install on anything NBN wants to put between you and your server, but be choosey around HB and Jinteki decks.

Surprise cards

Inside Job - Classic criminal card for sniping early agendas in 1 stack remotes. Corps will play around it by doubling icing the remote with something cheap to rez but it's still a great early to mid-game run event.

Pinhole Threading - I chose over this isntead Overclock the ability to clean out a pesky upgrade from the side rather than go through whatever chunky monkey ice just felt better and if you attack a remote from a central via you can use your Cezve discount the trash cost.

Legwork - for when they are protecting HQ a little too much, mix it in with some Twinning counters and you can see all they got. You may want to up it to two but I always found 1 big leg work at correct time to be excellent.

Tread Lightly - for when you commit to running that 4 stacked remote, you'll see a lot of "thinking..." in chat when you pull this out for those crucial runs.

No Free Lunch - this will keep you alive in certain match up. Save it for tag avoidance and only use it as creds if you are 80% sure you are not going to get Public Trailed

Thanks to Cobalt for a friendly steer towards better draw and all those corps that whomped me. 👍