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Standard Ban List 24.03 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.09 (active) |
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Deck valid after Sixth Rotation |
Was bored, decided to sleeve up 104 cards. How was your day?
I brought this to the ECG H1 CO, where I decided to bring some weird jank even for me. I'd been messing around with normal ob for a little, and felt like I liked the deck, but kept running out of things I could grab with the tutor ability. The logical next step was to add 55 cards to the list, obviously.
While this isn't actually the biggest possible Ob, it feels like it's hitting the limit for what is physically possible to bring in-person. Also it's extremely inconsistent, which you may have already guessed by looking at the big "104" at the size of the decklist.
Legit going to work on this one. The biggest issue was the inconsistency of finding cards I can use to trash and proc Ob's ability.
Hostile Takeover is legit a powerhouse here. Getting 3 so I can more easily hit a Malapert Data Vault or Tucana would make this so much better. Once you've scored any agenda with an upgrade or two in the remote, things become sooooo much easier.
I put in the Reconstruction Contract combo in here, more as a joke then anything. One fun play pattern I found though was to drop the Urtica Cipher in the main remote, and if the runner doesn't trash it, I can use it to defend a bunch of upgrades as I set up otherwise and look for a scoring window afterwards. Might drop the Recoco but I like the idea of keeping the urtica.
The ice suite is so much fun, but definitely could use improvements:
Long term, I'd probably drop the Oaktowns, drop an SDS Drone Deployment, add a Hostile Takeover, and drop some cards to match the 89 decksize limit.
Big thanks to @FireRL who ran the tournament! Had an great time playing, regardless of my personal performance this time.
30 Apr 2024
4 May 2024
I've been looking for alternative traps that would make more sense since net damage isn't really a wincon for my list. my v2 list has Neurostasis, which I brought to the AMT but wasn't able to actually install or fire off that game. Not sure if it's an improvement or not, but I think it's potentially really strong into some matchups. I could imagine that being decent in an nbn list who's already using Amani Senai.
It's surprisingly ok past the first few turns. Personally I feel like 80 cards in rnd is around the sweet spot with single sleeved cards to make it not feel super awkward in a casual setting (It's why my v2 is at 89 instead lol) The problem is it still takes some extra time to feel happy getting a real, truly random shuffle, which is why I won't be bringing this to in-person tourneys on a time limit ð. |
It was wild facing down a tower of a deck over twice my size ð
Also, using Urtica Cipher, or another trap Cerebral Overwriter to setup, and protect a suit of upgrades is a legit very interesting idea I hadn't ever thought of before. Could setup a SanSan + Arella combo or something like that ðĪ